While watching CSI:NY for the first time (which happened to be this year's season finally), I was intrigued by the mystery of a victim with two .45 Caliber rounds in him and only one clean entry wound. Racking my brain, I couldn't think of any solution to that riddle. Of course, if I was up to speed on the latest technological advances in weaponry or just picked up a copy of the December 07 edition of Popular Science magazine, then I would have been able to say, "That's because he used the KRISS Super V XSMG, of course!" The KRISS Super V series uses technology that directs the motion carried by the recoil downward instead of the usual horizontal course. So, while CSI may have glorified the concept a bit, the demonstration of the minimal recoil does present an optimistic design that could become a standard of for most firearms. Now, would I ever be able to afford a Super V XSMG? Probably not. But you know that the FPS gaming industry is definitely going to work rifles incorporating this technology into their games! I can see this gun in the arsenal of weapons in the Tom Clancy genre. Hurrah!!
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