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The KRISS Super V System

While watching CSI:NY for the first time (which happened to be this year's season finally), I was intrigued by the mystery of a victim with two .45 Caliber rounds in him and only one clean entry wound. Racking my brain, I couldn't think of any solution to that riddle. Of course, if I was up to speed on the latest technological advances in weaponry or just picked up a copy of the December 07 edition of Popular Science magazine, then I would have been able to say, "That's because he used the KRISS Super V XSMG, of course!" The KRISS Super V series uses technology that directs the motion carried by the recoil downward instead of the usual horizontal course. So, while CSI may have glorified the concept a bit, the demonstration of the minimal recoil does present an optimistic design that could become a standard of for most firearms. Now, would I ever be able to afford a Super V XSMG? Probably not. But you know that the FPS gaming industry is definitely going to work rifles incorporating this technology into their games! I can see this gun in the arsenal of weapons in the Tom Clancy genre. Hurrah!!

So, dgwutka won't get a Gamespy account...

I haven't written a blog in forever, however, dgwutka has provoked me to share with all my gamer friends the fact that he won't get a Gamespy account. I have been asking him for over a month to get an account so that we can play GRAW against each other. We both own the game, so the only thing stopping us from playing against each other is the account, which is quite simple to get. I am open to suggestions as to the reason behind dgwutka's refusal to obtain an account. I have my own theory, but I would love to hear yours before I share mine.

A prophetic comic

My mom cut this out of the newspaper back in either 1990 or 91.  Back at that time, it was supposed to be a joke.  Now, we have professional gaming tutors and even people who will play a game and sell the profiles or characters via paypal or some other manner.  Think of how many people make a living as game testers as well!  Good ol' Gary Larson; a prophet of culture.

Today, I celebrate

Today, I came home at 5am to my wife taking my picture and a dining room decorated with balloons and streemers.  I was surprised.  I woke up my toddler and celebrated my birthday!

mug warmerI opened my two gifts from my wife.  one was two sticks of 512RAM and the other was USB mug warmer/hub from Thinkgeek.  She forgot to get it for herself!  The cake was an angel food cake/cheese cake combo.  It was awesome!  Afterwards, we went to bed.

Before I went to work today, we went to Joe's Crab Shack and got the coconut shrimp.  Great food, great service, great tipping!

Now, I'm spending the rest of my birthday at work.  But that's okay because it was a great birthday!  W00t! :D

Happy Birthday!!

So...It's my birthday on Tuesday.  And since all of you probably want to celebrate it with me and give me a gift, I thought I'd make it quasi-possible. 

I want to keep my address anonymous, so, instead of sending me a present, buy yourself one!  That's right, Tuesday, March 20th is AFWorm's Birthday, an unofficial holiday to be celebrated by all my friends and aquaintances and perfect strangers who just want to buy themselves a gift.  And since it's MY birthday, you can't just buy a gift from anywhere!  Your gift must come from  After you buy yourself a generous and mighty thoughtful gift.  Tell me about what you got yourself for me.  I'll be so greatful for the gift (even if I already have one).

Get yourself anything from thinkgeek.  Just don't sing that boring, hard-to-remember birthday song!

LAN Party

I hosted a LAN party last weekend for the first time.  I couldn't do it before because of the size of my living condition.  Now, I have a much bigger place- one that can easily host a good LAN party.  And that I did! 

We played UT04, Rogue Spear: Black Thorn, and Serious Sam: First Encounter.  I used Serious Sam as a filler, UT04 as tournament mode, and RS:BT as straight up team vs team.  I have to admit that Black Thorn was probably the most popular one to play.  I think it may be because UT04 was too broad a spectrum of player skills.  If you're a n00b, you have no chance against someone who's played for hours on end.  That also goes for if you're out of practice.  I know that I was sorely out of practice - and it showed! 

But with the RS series, you have a one-hit scene where a novice can walk behind a pro and cap 'em.  Also, it's pretty sweet when your team gets wiped out and you then avenge your comrades by slaughtering the whole entire enemy.  Oh, how sweet. 

There was one time my team decided to have some fun.  So, I equiped myself with some C-4, and placed a charge in a room that led into a corner room where we would then camp.  We would have a heart-beat sensor awaiting the other team with their heart-beat sensor, knowing that they would be tracking us.  It was so great!  You could tell they were strategizing when they found out where we were.  So, when they charged the first room, I pulled the trigger and then... they dissapeared off the heart-beat sensor.  Maybe cause their hearts were nowhere to be sensed... bua ha ha ha ha!!!!  One guy went the long way, so I had to cap him when he opened our door.  Yep, it was great.  Of course, the first time we tried this, it didn't work.  In fact, we were destroyed.  But that's because we made a mistake: don't stand next to a door that is waiting to be fragged!  Also, don't pick a room with multiple entrances.  More than likely, they'll pick the one that isn't rigged.

Overall, it was a successful event.  Hopefully, we'll have it again in a few weeks.  I may have to stay out of the tournament, though.  I learned that I can't run a tournament and participate at the same time.  I'm learning a lot by hosting...

Second Cut

So, I'm cutting my collection again -taking out only the 7.0 and 7.1 rating.  Once again, there are games I hate to take off the list.  But they will live on in this blog... and my actual collection (heh heh).

Madden NFL 2001 7.0 
RollerCoaster Tycoon 27.0 
Half-Life: Blue Shift 7.0 
JetFighter IV: Fortress America 7.0 
Army Men 7.0 
Moto Racer 7.0 
Nocturne 7.0 
Blitzkrieg: Rolling Thunder 7.0 
NFL Fever 2000 7.0 
Resident Evil 2 7.0 
F-22 Lightning II 7.0 
Earthworm Jim 7.1 
Blitzkrieg 7.1 
Deadly Dozen 7.1 
Uprising 7.1

Also, I'd like to mention that ever since I've started cutting games from my list, I've collected many other games that I will not put on the list due to its current rating.  One of those games is Age of Empires!

Happy New Year!!!!

It is my opinion that 2007 has already been a blast.  May you all enjoy yourselves with a year full of gaming bliss.

Black Friday

   We got at Best Buy at 9:10pm Thurs, Nov 23.  We were 90th in line when I first counted (lots of people were missing), then it grew to 108 people in front of me.  I personally did the counting.  So when someone else counted, they were upset that there were more people in front of them.  It was a conspiracy!  -Not to me, I knew what happened.  But to a few people, the integrity of the line was damaged. 

The line was becoming tense and within a few minutes, 7 police cars pulled up!  It was pretty exciting... until they left a few minutes later.  The people (women, all women!) who were upset about the whole thing asked me to offer my tape as evidence since I went down the whole line of the first 100 people to interview them.  I appeased their requests with an "oh sure!"  But I knew nothing would happen. 

Anywayz... There seemed to be about 600 people in line by the time Best Buy opened (100 in front, 500 behind).  We made some friends, made some skits, even did some shopping!  In the end, it was just a bunch of fun.  I hope I get the video out.  If not, your loss.  Sorry.

Update of the Month!

So, my 'Serious Collector' badge keeps disapearing on me.  Now it's here, but it will be gone every once in a while.  It made me upset at first because I thought I was releaved of the badge, but now I know better.  (Oh, you silly badge...) 

The day after Thanksgiving is coming up and I'm planning on spending the night out at either Best Buy or Circuit City.  It depends on which one has the best deals that appeal to my needs.  I love CompUSA, but they haven't had anything as impressive within the past couple years.  Last year, we got up around 2am and dropped some off at Best Buy while a few of us went to Circuit City.  We arrived at around 2:30am and found ourselves at about 70th in line!  People are now spending the night!  So, we said to ourselves, "if they can do it, we can too!"  This is the plan.  We will bring games, food, heating devices, and a port-o-potty.  Just kidding about that last part.  Oh, and maybe we'll bring tazers or cattle prods or something to keep back the crazy women shoppers.  Men aren't too bad, but the women are CRAZY!  Seriously, if I weren't at least twice their size, I'd be scared.  But no matter what happens, no matter how good the deals are we'll have a blast.  I'll tape it and maybe put it as my first video blog... if you're lucky!

So, if anyone out there has any advice on strategy or supplies on Black Friday, then please share.  I'd love to hear it.

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