This game is yet another distraction and destruction for a remake of the original game of Silent Hill 2.
It's two hours or maybe even longer gameplay of just nonstop nonesense by exploration of the town Silent Hill. And also by reading tideous storyline of written documents and notes from characters as this gameplay doesn't even show what or who they are. The only interesting details of this remake is the ambience of graphics and sound art, but that is not enough. I was expecting a more detailed storyline compared in similarities with the original game of Silent Hill 2.
Yet another remake of a classic horror game that doesn't work!
Well, open BETA PC games is highly suggested by avoiding. And I also think that video games in general is something that distracts people with all the entitled opinions they have about these games month after month with new title releases. BETA games is something that most people should mature away from. Maybe even video games in general. Video games have become and developed in too much abuse of money and free time.
The headline of this article is not communicating. It's full of grammar mistakes or is intentionally written with grammar mistakes to get readers attention or confusion. I don't want to see any new Indiana Jones movies ever again. This movie series are already full of sequels, and by creating even more of them will just be marketing and just a product for sale instead of the whole classical jargon of old Idiana Jones stories as it already was from the beginning.
AKAJEF's comments