Ok. well I'll give you the backstory and im sure you will all immdiately grasp my problem at hand.
A few months (june 23rd to be exact) a friend of mine was talking to my girlfriend over MSN chat. My girlfriend did not know however that me and the guy she was talking to knew eachother. Most of their conversation was irrelevant but what was significant is that she spilled that she was going to cheat on me on a cruise she was going on in late october. It is a yearly cruise she goes on with her family and the previous year had a few "physical relations" with some of the guys on it. I don't hold that against her a bit but the thing is that she reassured me that the next one wouldn't be the same (because she had me obviously) before june 23rd happened.
Well after a lot of BS drama and a lot of talking to eachother and over a trillion "i'm sorries" and "she was stupid for even thinking about it"s later, i decided that everyone deserves a second chance and concluded she was sincere about this or why would she still be sticking around dealing with the drama if she really didn't care about me.
Well. I have trusted her since then and everything has been fine but now that the cruise is a week away I'm starting to freak a bit. She has since reassured me about the cruise and says that she isn't stupid enough to screw things up even though she is fully aware that I will never find out about anything that happens on it, as she will be in the Carribean.
The problem is more of with myself than with her. Part of me says "she loves you. She reassured you about it and there's nothing to worry about"
The other part is beginning to overwhelm me though. "She reassured you once and was going to do it so why wouldn't she say it again and still do it?"
So...any ideas on what to do? Should I break up with her or just assume she will remain faithful to me? And do you have any tips to help my mentalality about it?
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