Hi peoples! Currently, in Australia, A copy of Halo 4 and a copy of BOTH FFXIII and FFXIII-2 together cost the same. Which will give me more fun and value? I didn't get a lot out of Halo:Reach or Skyrim. Thanks!
Hi Guys and Gals, I'm new to Gamespot and wanted to start my time off here with a question that's been bugging me for ages. I had about 5000 points, all loaded up for the Ultimate Sale that ended a few days ago. I was VERY specific with my picking of the games, choosing only: - Console Exclusives - I'm only buying an experience that can only be received on my console, a 360. I don't mean 360 exclusives, just games only released to consoles. I have a jazzed out PC. - Games that have Replay Value - Picked up RE4, Tekken TT2 and both the MGS games they had on sale for this reason. - Games that are LONG - Picked up RDR + MGS because of this. I've got about 30 dollars left in cash and 20 dollars left in points and was looking for another game that I can spend a while with. I was thinking of trading about 6 or 7 games for ~20 dollars to pick up either Lost Odyssey or FFXII, FFXII-2, but the FF games are relatively short and Lost Odyssey will not capture my attention and interest, much like how I lost interest in Skyrim. FAST. I'm also looking for something with either a replayable Campaign, lots of post-game stuff (MGS2 had TONS) or just a really long Campaign. No Multiplayer. Do you guys have any recommendations that fit the above criteria? Thanks Not particularly interested in: Fallout Elder Scrolls Any other Rockstar Games Final Fantasy (for now) Trials HD/Evo
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