Your a dedede. For 1 you get it fixed for free and they usually give you a month of xbox live for free to make up the time you lost on live. I know cause thats happened for me already. For 2 anyone with brains knows to extend your warrenty which I will by june 30 2008 since thats when mine expires. For 3 xbox360 is the better console look wise and definatly game wise by far. As for sony fanboy predictions that this year is gonna be weak for the 360. To me and everyone I know that owns a 360 which there are atleast 30 I know personally that DO. All of them are Already more pleased this year and even more excited cause all that is still to come on the 360 this year, me included. This year by far is way better for variety and top notch games for the 360. I'd rather pay 60 bucks to extend my warrenty for a console that I am very happy with and in my and all I know's opinions the better over the p3 and wii, rather than buying something we KNOW would not make us happy like the P3 which someof us already own aswell but use it as purely a blueray player since the games don't compare and most 3rd party games simply feel more satisfying and look better in my opinion on the 360.. But lets face the wii is in a totally different catagory, it's mainly kids games and non serious gamers. Microsoft and nintendo will survive. The P3 is mostlikely not going to.
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