Random Thoughts.
by APDAssassin on Comments
OMG, Kojima's blog is finally being translated into english. This is great. This news made my morning. The URL is http://www.blog.konami.jp/hideoblog_e/. My friend is competing in a tennis match this afternoon. However, it is supposed to rain, and I have an investment analysis midterm this Monday morning. Time is not on my side, so intense micromanagement is required in order to get everything done. Today is Saturday. Resident Evil 4 will be released in 3 days. I will get the Premium (platinum...or whatever it's called) Edition. The collectors edition is too expensive ($120, though it is worth it) for me at the moment. There's approx. 3 more weeks until the release of MGS3: Subsistence. I will preorder it when I pick up RE4.