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AQWBlaZer91's Top 10 Countdown: The Top 10 Video Game Franchise that shoud DIE!!

AQWBlaZer91's Top 10 Countdown:

The Top 10 Video Game Franchise that shoud disappear DIE!

To be fair there are franchises we still love and play to death but however there are some gaming franchises that are taking one wrong step too far, leaving so many aggravated gamers to be displeased with the amount of effort that the developers have made. Which are the 10 Franchises that the companies needs to let go off and disappear from the gaming landscape forever.

10: Dynasty Warriors

Developer: TOEI


In these Dynasty Warrior games all you do in the game walk from one area to the next and mash the same attack button on the same enemies over and over and over again. We wish that this could change with the amount of sequels it's still getting otherwise we are better off not even bothering with the next war that goes on.

9: AdventureQuest

Developer: Artix Entertainment


The indie company Artix Entertainment has recently made plenty of success with 2008s MMO RPG AdventureQuest Worlds but recently they gave us a terrible expansion pack to a game we never cared about called Warpforce, make another MMO with ridiculous super heroes called Herosmash, Epicdual which was a shallow PVP title at best and also a Pony VS Pony rumble game which is simply ridiculous stuff. The best advice is to put all those awful games aside and perhaps only work on AQWorlds alone unless you can come up with something new. If not then perhaps Ebilcorp can have what was stolen from you.

8: Tony Hawk

Developer: Robomodo


The professional board skating got a reasonable spin back in the 90s but their reboots on newer consoles just never the dip right. Making a board controller to control the game was obviously a big mistake for anyone to make with mechanics that doesn't even work properly you'll end up falling over and hurting yourself in real life. Nothing else as changed for Tony Hawk when he had enough of that trash coming. We hope this stop before anymore gets hurt seriously.

7: Leisure Suit Larry

Developer: Replay Games

Leisure Suit Larry

This perverted playboy has always stepped on the wrong side of the law and this becomes worse for him when Box Office Bust become one of the most offensive games we ever had to put up with. Leisure Suit Larry deserves nothing more than to have himself smacked in the face and hopefully learns never to make more or even any remakes or ports.

6: Command & Conquer

Developer: EA


Westwood Studios kicked start the series impressively well until Westwood left the battlefield leaving EA to carry on the fight for them. The more recent instalments failed to capture the essence and style that the series became known for. EA needs to head to new territory if the franchise is forever to survive otherwise it's time to put this war to rest.

5: South Park

Developer: Iguana Entertainment, Appaloosa Interactive, Acclaim Entertainment, Tantalus Interactive, Doublesix, Other Ocean Interactive


The show was South Park was hilarious in every right possible but the amount of bad games that some game companies made becomes no laughing matter. Its attempt at a First person shooter was horrifying at best with its awful graphics and repetitive voice work that gets annoying very quickly, a racing game that was a terrible Mario Kart wannabe and party game that incredibly boring and recently a tedious platformer game where it had chaotic level design, Cheap and unfulfilling difficulty by its poor camera and Stunted jumping mechanics. There is a new South Park that is supposed to be an RPG but unless that's any good then we're better off killing Kenny and kicking the whole show of the gaming landscape.

4: Job Simulators

Developer: Excalibur Publishing Limited

Farming Simulator 2012 3d 9

Every single year and every single time on the PC and mostly recent;y on the 3DS there has to be a Simulator about everyday jobs that people do in real life. The problems with these Simulators is that they aren't designed proberly and suffer with gulitches and bugs. These Simulators were simply unrealistic and simply unenjoyable. Excalibur Studios we would kindly ask for you to stop making these horriable Simulations otherwise you're going to put everyone out of their jobs to these abmonations.

3: Dragon Ball Z

Developer: Bandai Namco Games


The sagas have finished and all the Dragon Ball Z Movies are released in English but it seems that every single year Bandai Namco still makes one Dragon Ball Z game after another. Budokai 3 is still one of the best Dragon Ball Z titles ever but the rest of the other games are just trash that causes fans to go out in a furious rage. A Dragon Ball Z game that works for the Kinect would sound promising but however it's time for us to put these Dragon Balls out of anyone's reach so that nobody wishes for anymore games. If I had those I'll make a wish to make all the bad games disapear.

2: Kingdom Hearts

Developer: Square Enix


Kingdom Hearts I and II were great and fun enough for kids who want to hang around with their Disney and Final Fnatasy characters but ever since after Kingdom Hearts II that the series heart went heartless. We didn't care about all the spinoff titles including the upcoming 3DS Kingdom Hearts game that isn't Kingdom Hearts III. Kingdom Hearts III is all we ever wanted but isn't that so hard to ask for.

1: Final Fantasy

Developer: Square Enix


Only one side of me wants to say that Final Fantasy VII was one of the best titles to be released on the PSOne. The rest of my side says that Final Fantasy should stay away for good if Square Enix can't make a good Final Fantasy game without a remake being counted for. Not only was Final Fantasy VIII so bad but X-2 was like watching a 60 hour movie or Barbie, XI was a thief at being a pay to play game that's already burnt onto a disc, XII was an uncontrollable mess with bad battle mechanics in a generically bad sandbox environment, The After Years was a total after thought with storylines which had zero progression, short as well as being disjointed with weak narrative, XIII was just unbelievably bad with its inconstant difficulty and bad character storyline progression as well as being too linear, XIV was just an MMO train wreak and this we witness Final Fantasy XII-2 which once again offers nothing but disappointment. If a good Final Fantasy game is too much to ask for then it's time for us to leave our fantasies behind and also calm ourselves with either Pokemon or the Tales series which makes Final Fantasy the franchise that should just disappear for good.

Written By Anthony Hayball (AQWBlaZer91)

GAME ON!!!!!!