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AQWBlaZer91's Top 10 Countdown: The Top 10 Worst Movie Licensed Games

The Top 10 Worst Movie Licensed Games

There's one thing you'd want to not about the entertainment line is that Movies and Video games will always have some bad relationships. This started as bad attempts at handling the right responsibilities of the movie and placing them into a game cartridge or a CD. These games have it's own camera to shoot but it's not any better then what the movie had done before. The main formula for this cycle was to make a movie and then another company would make a game based on that movie to rush it out for a film release date in order to cash in on the movies hype of quality. Mostly this has failed to impress many fans as most games based on films often not even follow the firm as the developers may or may not have even watched the movie at all. This is what either a bad movie would make a bad game or if a great movie would spawn an interactive disaster that would end being the absolute worst of all. This is my countdown that possibly might be the worst off the worst of the movie inspired disasters.

10: Peter Jackson's King Kong The official Game of the Movie

Platform: Nintendo DS

Developer: Ubisoft

Release Date: December 2nd 2005

King kong DS

Okay before anyone freaks out why, this is not the console version which was quite impressive for some games that can be good if the developers had spent more time and effort into a decent game. King Kong on the Nintendo DS was anything but an a proper handheld experience. Graphics looked really jerky and incredibly ugly and without other characters around during the game it was mostly lifeless. Gameplay segments were just plain bad and mostly boring. The game mostly acts as if it didn't even watch the movie with cut-scene dialog mostly written badly. How could a legend of King Kong even be disgraced by a awful port like this. It's one thing to make a great game of it but making it bad on handheld is just not what this gorilla wanted.

9: Street Fighter The Movie

Platform: Arcade, PSOne, Saturn

Developer: Capcom

Release Date: 1995

Street fighter the movie

The game that is based on the movie that is based on Street Fighter II. What a bad combination that we have here. Reassembling Mortal Kombat with badly done digitalized actors with cheesy animations along with awesomely bad voice-work. Mostly the game was just Mortal Kombat fan-ride as the game struck out from it's normal route with it's mostly stiffed controls. It also had a console port but also did the same amount of bad damage that the original version did. It's one Street Fighter other then Ex Plus that needs to be Haduken'nd.

8: GI Joe The rise of Cobra

Platform: PS3, Xbox 360, WII, PS2, PSP, DS

Developer: EA

Release Date: August 7th 2009

GI Joe

Most summer films have had their seasons of bad video games following after but for GI Joe The Rise of Cobra The Game it tasted more of a nasty Pork chop Sandwich. Without any of the cheesy dialogue of the cartoon the game more or less acts as a sequel to the film along with boring repetitive objectives being enjoyable and boss battles being a total letdown. Combat was a broken down mess with an awful targeting system, attacks that defy confidential hit detection and the list of problems goes on and on. This game a horrible abomination of a bad film, unless you'd even want to tolerate such a twisted challenge it's one fight you'd want to steer clear from.

7: Back to the Future

Platform: NES

Developer: LJN

Release Date: September 1989

back to the future nes

With fans of the Movie would think they would be able to travel back and breeze through the reaches of Hill Valley on their NES consoles. Instead LJN gave gamers both broken down versions of bad games called Skate or Die and Tapper. Without any relations, characters or music from the movie like anyone would not be able to license the movie but not use the familiar quotes that fans remember from the movie. If the game wasn't called Back To The Future People would just be playing just another awful game that people would be alot better without.

6: Total Recall

Platform: NES

Developer: Acclaim

Release Date: 1990

Total Recall NES

Although it was nice to see the famous quote from Arnold Schwarzenegger himself when you lose a life, but the the game Total Recall was but a playable game. The game has the most horrendous level design along with it's annoying music which will give you a massive headache. There's Jumpsuit midgets driving you into an alley for a smack down, random passersby firing bullets all over the place and Miscreants punching through holes in a fence to knock you out. Although the 8-bit graphics may have looked alright but mainly this is just a plain message that Arnold will be back to star better in good movies, this is just plain awful.

5: The Fifth Element

Platform: PSOne

Developer: Kalisto

Release Date: October 1998

The Fifth Element

A sci-Fi epic game based on the film from Luc Basson came out as loose and sloppy with it's bad controls making movement a pain to navigate. You'd frequently have to put up with the sounds effects being cut out along with it's awfully dull graphics. The game told it's own story as it rearranged cut-scenes from the film which made it confusing for those who haven't seen the movie. It's a shining example why Activision cannot do a good movie based game.

4: Fight Club

Platform: PS2, X-Box

Developer: Sierra Entertainment

Release Date: December 10th 2004

Fight Club

Fight Club the video game suffers from basic collision detection and very bad controls which made the game really awkward. The storyline was downright lame using very blurry screen-shots which should only been used for Internet purposes of showing actual screen-shots of the game. Players would be very shocked at video game breast physics on a guy which is disgusting to see. Unless anybody can deal with being punched in the face quite often then you'd best leaving this go.

3: Bad Boys II (Bad Boys Miami Takedown in US)

Platform: PS2, X-Box

Developer: Empire Interactive

Release Date: February 2004

bad boys II ps2xbox

The film which featured the talents of Will Smith and Martin Lawrence made these Bad boys worse then in the movie. They had broken controls, terrible targeting and badly written speech. It even suffered from many Glitches then any game during a beta test. The word BAD isn't the right word describe this awful mess it's total putrid. With it's generic Bad guys and many of it's awful issues, the game made it's boys more or less awful inwhich anyone playing it should be punished.

2: Charles Angels

Platform: PS2, Gamecube

Developer: Ubisoft

Release Date: July 18th 2003

Charlies Angels

It's secretive to say that this game was just so awful that Sony wouldn't even release this on the PlayStation 2, believe it or not in Europe there's PS2 copies of this game laying around but it's surprising that it never passed the US shores. The game was simply indecent-able to not only women, video games but to everyone in the industry. Clumsy controls, lousy hit detection, Camera issues and ladders that can take forever to climb along with showing any indecent-able content that isn't appropriate for any of kind of audience. Why in the world did PEGI even give this game a 7+ age rating for any kids to buy this indecent-able pale of garbage.

1: ET The Extra Terrestrial

Platform: Atari 2600

Developer: Atari

Release Date: 1982

ET Atari 2600

The ET game on the Atari 2600 had made those very same kids cry upon it's disastrous game based on the sickly Alien. It is the bomb that showed the fate of movie video games that was yet to come and also the crash of the industry in the 80s. In the game ET has to collect 3 parts for a phone in order to call the mother-ship home, you'd be somewhat surprised to even figure that out. To find these ET has to fall into many of the games pits and they are everywhere even in the end of a new screen. Once he falls in ET stretches his neck to get himself out but sometimes you'll just fall back in again making it totally frustrating. To make matters worse Scientists kidnap you and FBI agents steal your items making the game more frustrating then the game could ever be. The game became hugely unsuccessful with over 5 Million copies left unwanted they were taken and buried into the Mexican dessert. With it's failure ceasing the great crash of the video gaming industry this game earns the spot of worst movie inspired video games of all time.

Written by Anthony Hayball (AQWBlaZer91)