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BlaZer91's Top Ten Countdown The Top 10 PlayStation Games

BlaZer91's Top Ten Countdown

The Top 10 PlayStation Games

The PlayStation was a successful games system that changed the gaming industry forever with a huge library of games, 2 newer PlayStation consoles as well as a handheld. The PlayStation will forever be a legendary console that has kicked off massive sales of the market and has also toke gaming to a new generation. To celebrate it's 15th Anniversary since September 29, 1995 I am here to give you my list of the following 10 PSOne games that I think were worthy of serving the consoles legacy, so pick up that Dual Shock and put on that PlayStation Fan T-Shirt as this is my list of for the Top 10 PSOne games.

10. Resident Evil 2 (Capcom 1998 )

Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 improved on many concepts of the original and made it simply better. It had 2 different discs containing 2 different stories between playable characters Leon S Kennedy or Claire Redfield. Added weapons to the arsenal for disposing more Zombies like a Gatling gun and a Flaming crossbow. Alongside some new content for completing the game and a far twisted storyline which was far more engaged then the original with multiple endings. Leon himself differently became one of the series superstar since this game's debut and also his return in Resident Evil 4. Gamers still call this one the best of the original PlayStation Resident evil games. If only we could replay this game with enhanced graphics in HD on the PS3.

9. Tekken 3 (Namco 1998 )

Tekken 3

The Tekken series is known for it's fighting system which require self timing attacks to order to win against many fighters, but the third game in the series was the best of the 3 PlayStation Tekken titles features more bigger list of fighters, a new set of modes like Tekken force and Tekken Ball modes but the title was almost close to the arcades original details with only the rendering of the environments to be a bit stiff. With it's high review scores and amazing sales Tekken 3 is still one of the best fighting games to be released on the PlayStation and also still manages to hold up nicely today with new installments on HD consoles.

8. Final Fantasy VII (Squresoft 1997)

Final Fantasy 7

To many hardcore RPG gamers Final Fantasy VII was believed to be one of the greatest of the PlayStation Final Fantasy games. Looking back at this game now it's hard to look at because of the blocky character models. Even so Final Fantasy VII was the first game to use cinematic elements in which the storyline grew a lot of praise from many gamers that often reduced them to tears. With the orginal feel of the Active Time Battle system and making use of different Materia to give characters different abilities to use either magic, summon huge monsters and use different enemy skills to fight against many different monsters and the Shinera Corporation. If a remake of this all time Final Fantasy remake is ever going to be planned then perhaps it's not really a good idea if Square Enix is going to mess up the series badly with 11, 10-2, 12, 13 and 14. If so Square Enix better get it right and properly.

7. Command and Conquer (Westwood Studios 1996)


The PC Strategy game made that made futher population of the Strategy genre, it made a great translated effort to the PlayStation console. Even through there's no mouse support but inculding 2 discs with 2 different sides in a conflict for tiberium. The gameplay also has a Covert operations which revail a different part of the story. With each side using their own different set of different structures and weapons to use against the opposing team. It's a difinative port of the game and the orginal game still remains as one of the finest Strategy games on the PlayStation.

6. Time Crisis (Namco 1997)

Time crisis

In the arcades Time Crisis was popular and superior among other Rail Shooters at the time. It's impressive time based and Duck and Cover gameplay was never heard of before this game. It's translates brilliantly with another story mission with Kantaris including multiple paths to follow depending on the time spent on the level and also the birth of the G-Con 45 controller accessory. Time Crisis still holds up being the champion of arcade rail shooters around but now if we could find someway to reuse the Light gun for the PS3 on HD TVs.

5. Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped (Naughty Dog 1998 )

Crash Bandicoot 3

Crash Bandicoot has quite the humor for a 3D platfromer but his 3rd installment had much more content and was more improved then the previous 2 games. The game allowed the player to control not only Crash but his sister Coco travel back in time to find 25 Crystals again but also play different Time Attack missions each with Crash spinning his way through numerous new enemies and avoiding hazardous new traps. With new bosses to face, loads of rewards to collect along thw way and Crash digging out a rocket launcher to blast ememies is just wonderful. Crash Bandicoot 3 is defiently on the best selling games in the series and it's still a well worth challening Crash Bandicoot game and my pick for the 5th game in the countdown.

4. Gran Turismo (Sony 1997)

gran turismo

Back then there wasn't any driving simulators around but not with Gran Turismo. Much like Sega's Daytona games Gran Turismo made a complete driving experience to console players with options to chose from a set of real life licenses of cars available and realistic driving controls. Also included is the Grand Turismo mode in which you complete different goals in which you can upgrade your license to qualify for any events and championships. These allow you to earn credits, trophies and prize cars for you to use. With over 180 realistic cars and 11 race tracks it's easy to say that Grand Tourismo is still one fine racing thats stands the test of time to this day.

3. Tomb Raider (Core Design 1996)

Tomb Raider

For many video games there hasn't been any video game heroines to enter the 3rd Dimension of gaming. That wasn't until Lara Croft herself made herself in to the gaming world with an innovative 3-D adventuring gameplay experince unlike Prince of Persia before this. Lara herself had to travel around different Tombs and explore deadly runes to search for the pieces of the tailsmen called the Scion. Lara had to climb up, push or pull blocks or use switches to solve many of the games challenging puzzles. Lara also faces dangerous enemies as she will have to resort using different guns like her Twin Pistols, Shotguns or Uzis in order for her to survive. As a platforming adventure game it's impressive that how well the game had selled back then and the orginal game can still hold up as well as it's well made remake on next generation consoles and in HD.

2. Final Fantasy IX (Squresoft 2000)

Final Fantasy 9

If many could think Final Fantasy VII was outstanding and Final Fantasy VIII was just a total waste then simply Final Fantasy IX is vastly Superior then the other two games. By revisiting it's true origin XI ignored the useless Junction system and annoying problems it had. Instead it introduced new equipment mechanics that can change different attributes and stats increases upon leveling up, Areas which make use of the new Active Time Events which develop character development, special items and keys for different story telling decisions to make. The game's ATB Battle system is additive is ever but also it introduced a different overlimit setting called Trance where characters can unleash a powerful attack and their stats increased briefly for a short time. With everything from the Final Fantasy staples returning and a great storyline this fantasy is the best of the Final Fantasy PlayStation games and the one that manages to stand tall after these years.

1. Metal Gear Soild (Konami 1998 )

Metal Gear Soild

Sneaking by undetected, hiding in cardboard boxes in attempt to sneak by lazy solders was never heard of before maybe until the original Metal Gear released on the Japanese MSX along with the inferior NES port. This game introduced many different stealth elements in which Snake had to get by undetected. Snake had to use different items to fool the enemy or to take them out stealthily. Snake also needed to use the environment to his ad such as crawling under different spaces as it's helpful to get away from enemies. The game also had it's epic boss battles against Revolver Ocelot, Sniper Wolf, Psycho Mantis, Vulcan Raven and the main villain Liquid. The game had some of the most amazing and tearbreaking cinematic cutscenes that drew out many of the games amazing characters. It's concepts, gameplay and everything else as what made it one of greatest games that introduced stealth elements thats still going on to this day and as it's remake on the Gamecube was a well devloped remake. The game is just a fine example of being able to hold itself up today as it's my choice for the PlayStation one title.