before you post an angry response maybe u might want to read the prior blog on this subject. Well i have another insight into this console generation and to me it seems
Nintendo - todays tech today
MS - tommorows tech today
Sony - next years tech today
well what do i mean by this?
-first nintendo is prob the smartest the revolution will be innovative in its design but will use proven technology to provide a great gaming experience, free from incompatability issues, overheating chips and very cost effective for the consumer. No doubt the revolution will be no more that 199$ and i would not be surprised with a 99$ price point. The lower price point i think will be likely due to the fact nintendo can make great profit selling old-gen games via the internet, so nintendo can actually sell at a loss something they never do.
-MS is also rather crafty pushing out some unproven tech in a timely fashion , not to say it hasn`t backfired a little especially since some people report overheating, and critical faliures of their 360`s this is due to the fact that the cpu`s were a little unproven and also 90nm but also since the memory modules were unproven also leading to supply problems.but all in all MS has gotten a decent head start. MS also didn`t push the tech too far either they did not offer HD-dvd and so on- a plus since it would have added 100+ to system and most likely would not be compatible with future standards
-Sony i think might have major issues with their advanced blu-ray tech- if for instance the movie studios do not agree on a standard well then you cannot watch movies on the ps3 taking away a major selling point, another issue is will consumers feel confident buying a 500-600 system if there are issues with dvd playback? I know it doesn`t seem likely that studios will not agree on a standard, but it is likely they will not since they are liable to lose tons of money if the movies can be copied. i would go as far to say that sony will drop blu-ray at last minute and use proven tech in order to hit the Nov. launch date.
well whats my point , i feel sony might be pushing next years tech out before it is ready and this might really backfire badly.
All we have to do is wait and see.