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I'm Done

This is getting out of hand. Another new design change? This site is getting worse and worse. It's too much like all the other sites, it's just trying too hard to be good. I can't stand it anymore. The old, old one back in the summer was the best one- that's the one I'll remember this site by.

And, so that this new design doesnt get jammed into my brain, that I have to remember this site by, I'm done. Done with coming, is all. I'm sure most of you don't like this design but it just pushes me farther over the edge. I need something good to remember this site by, and now there's nothing good. If I stay too long, then I won't even care for the old-old design, or remember this site for what it used to be.

I will be back here to check on PM's, maybe comment on some journals. But donm't expect that. This is the last you'll see of me, for a while, untill this site gets a design it deserves, a design that can compare to the amount of friends and information it holds.

So, that is my version, of a long, stretched out,
