Aaron9911 / Member

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Top 5 Worst Games of 2012

2012 is coming to an end. Now it is time to do my top 5 worst games I reviewed this year. Also, this is my opinion so don't be rude. With that in mind let's get started.

5.Sonic Unleashed- I might get some Sonic haters for this but I just didn't like this one. The daytime levels were great but the reason I didn't give this game such a high rating is because of the night time levels. They were very boring and I stopped playing it after that.

4.Wii Play- Wii Play was a boring game. Only about 1/3 of the games were good and the gameplay was pretty low. Don't buy this just for the control. You can just buy a Wii Remote alone so you don't have to play this awful game and it can save you some money.

3. My Aquarium- My Aquarium is one heck of a boring game. There is very little gameplay and replaybility and you should just avoid if you can.

2. Action Girls Racing- This is the worst racer I could think of. The graphics are good if you are in the late 90's. The controls are awful and there is no replaybility. The items are really worthless. Also, the tracks are terribly designed and the items are worthless.

1. Ninjabread Man- Yes, this is the worst game of 2012 . The graphics are awful and so are the controls. The only good thing about this game is that you can jump with the Z button but besides that everything else is terribly done. DDI you need to try way harder to make a good game because your two games I reviewed are the bottom two games on this list.

Stay tuned for my best games of 2012.