I may not have a tremendous knowledge of fine art, but I know what I like and I like what I know. So when I was walking through the Game Developers Conference and stumbled upon a preview gallery for the "I am 8-bit" exhibit, I was surrounded by something I know and like: video games. More specifically I was surrounded by artwork that was based on and inspired by video games.
Because you don't see paintings depicting two children playing Mario Kart or characters from Punch-Out!! every day, I thought it would be interesting to videotape my stroll through the exhibit. I hope you enjoy it! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to see how much that Soda Popinski painting will set me back...
If you're in the Los Angeles area and you'd like to see more of this fantastic art, the exhibit will be in town from April 17th until May 12th.
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