Get to know the people that bring you all of the great content on GameSpot in a regular series of short and lighthearted gaming-related interviews.
Episode XII: Greg Mueller
Poor Greg. He sits all by himself in the corner of the office. He's so far away from everyone that I've gone entire days without seeing him. The desk next to him has been empty ever since Bob Colayco left GameSpot for the difficult job of trying to get people to buy World of Warcraft. (By the way Bob, all your old E3 badges are still hanging by your desk.) But it's not all bad news for Greg. Now that Greg Kasavin is gone, he gets to go by just his first name. No more being referred to as "Greg Mueller" all the time!
Sitting way off in a corner wasn't enough to keep Greg from answering my hard-hitting "Getting To Know" questions, though. He shares his strategy for reviewing bad games, talks about his early GameSpot career, and reminisces about playing old games with his sister.
Look for a new video (not "Getting To Know") next week, and then "Getting To Know" will return on March 2nd with Brian Ekberg. Thanks for watching!
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