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Since you asked...

My how time flies...It seems like just a few months ago when at Sony's pre-E3 2005 press event, the lights came up and the PlayStation 3 was first unveiled amidst a cloud of smoke and flashing lights. Remember the initial impressions? People didn't like the system's font because it looked too much like Spider-man. They hated the boomerang controller, even though they had never held it. And don't forget the whole real/not real debacle with the Killzone trailer.

While people still debate the authenticity of Killzone's footage, and they still seem to dislike the system's font--there's a whole new set of questions being asked. Since I do the whole "gaming" thing for a living, I get tons of questions from my family, friends, and GameSpot's readers. For many of these questions, there aren't any right answers. Some depend on the individual, and some will only be answered as time passes. Bear in mind that these are just my thoughts on the PS3--they aren't GameSpot's official stance and they aren't necessarily reflective of anyone else's views here at GameSpot.

Is it worth $600?
That depends on the person. For some people the console will be well-worth the $600 (or more with the crazy bundles and eBay prices) that they spent to acquire the "latest and greatest" in video game technology. If you're strapped for cash and you won't be able to buy more than a game or two, then getting a Wii and some games, or an Xbox 360 and several used games for price of a PS3 is certainly something to consider.

Are you getting one?
Eventually. If I could just roll into a store on launch day and pick one up, there's a 95% chance that I would do so. But we all know that's not going to happen. To be honest, I'd be a lot more enthusiastic about getting one if we didn't have them here at work. Being able to stay after work to play the system makes it easier to get by without having one at home. I also haven't been blown away by the PS3's launch line-up, but that's partially because I've played so many of the games on the Xbox 360. I know that it's eventually going to have tons of great games, so I'll certainly be getting one--probably as soon as they're readily available.

Will I be able to find one at launch?
Hahaha. No. Not unless you want to spend a day or two out in front of your local Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Target, or Circuit City. Regardless of what any website or magazine says about the price or quality of the games, this thing is not going to be easy to find. I'm hoping that they become easier to find by February or March, but I have no inside knowledge on that front--it's just a guess.

Do I "need" Blu-ray?
Movie-buffs will appreciate the excellent picture quality that Blu-ray delivers, but for the casual movie watcher the difference isn't so great that you'll need to run out and buy movies you already own on DVD again on Blu-ray. However, it does look good enough that you'll probably pay an extra couple of bucks on all future movie purchases to get them on Blu-ray.

Is the PS3 better than the Xbox 360? What about the Wii?
I wouldn't say any system is better overall; they're just different. Each console does something that the others can't and each one will appeal to a different audience. But since it's all about the games, the real answer will come at the end of the system's life when we can look back it its library of games compared to the Xbox 360 and Wii.

What's the deal with the tilt-controls?

So far, I'm not a fan, but I think I will be. A lot of the tilt functionality seems to be tacked-on and doesn't add much, if anything to the games. To be fair though, developers didn't have much time to implement a whole lot of tilt-control features for the launch games, and I'm sure plenty of games will eventually do some cool stuff with it.

Do you miss the rumble feature?
Not at all. Until someone asked me if I missed having the controller rumble in the PS3 version of Call of Duty 3, I hadn't thought about it once. I really could care less if the controller shakes when I drive off the side of the road, or if it rumbles while a take a free-throw. I would rather have two-dozen games use the tilt-controls in some awesome way than I would want two hundred games that rumble. But that's just me. I do know some people that miss it.

Does it overheat?
We've never had one overheat and the system doesn't seem to get really hot, no matter how long it has been on. Oh, and it's really quiet, too.

Is it heavy?
Heck yeah it's heavy. Someone around here was saying that it's the heaviest console ever, and while I don't have the facts to back that up, I believe it. I'd bet that if you take the weight of the Xbox 360 and its giant power brick and compare it to the PS3 that they're pretty close.

Hopefully this answered some of your questions on the system. Like I said, I'm not claiming to have all, or even any of the "right" answers here, but people seem to be curious what I think, so there ya have it. The good news is that you can find out the answers to all of these questions for yourself in just a couple of days. Good luck to anyone camping out for a system! I hope you're successful!