I have too many games to play and not enough time to play them. I'm guessing that I'm not the only one with this problem. Many of you probably already had a pretty significant backlog of games to play before the holidays and that was before you opened your presents and got...more games. I've been traveling most of my vacation, so my gaming time has been minimal. I helped two of my friends get their Xbox 360s set up, showing them all the cool things you can do and getting them going with Xbox Live, but I didn't get much time to play any consoles. Oh wait, I did whip my brother Josh twice at Wii Sports bowling--can't forget that. I was also able to play a lot of Elite Beat Agents while on my various flights. I'm currently on "Let's Dance" so I'm not how close I am to beating it, but it's a great game so far. Some of the songs you think you'd hate are pretty good, but there are a few that I thought I'd dislike that I do, in fact, dislike. Nonetheless, it's a heck of a lot of fun.
So now I'm home for a few days before we head back to work and I've got a stack of games staring me in the face. Where to start? I don't know. But I figured I'd make a list to show how horribly behind I am. Maybe you guys are in the same boat? Feel free to comment and share how big your backlog of games is.
Older games I need to play:
I love Katamari too! I just haven't ever had a chance to play this game. It's still shrink-wrapped, sitting on my shelves waiting for some love. I think I got behind on this one because I wanted to finish the first one before digging into the sequel. I'm sorry King, I'll collect things soon! Cows...Crabs...Beach Balls...Plants...Little Kids...Oh man, Earth is filled with so many things!
I'm one of those people that just hated the camera in the original MGS3. Now, to be fair, I didn't give it much of a shot. I had a ton of games to review at the time, and I spent an hour or two with the game and was so frustrated by the limited view (and endless codec yapping) that I threw in the towel. Yes, it sucks to have to put down what many people thought was the game of the year to go review some lame movie tie-in. But that's part of the job. Everyone says this is a great game, and I'm looking forward to finally "seeing the light."
Man, it's been so long I can hardly remember why I was so late to the RE:4 party in the first place (I know I waited for the PS2 version for some reason. Widescreen support perhaps?). I played it for about an hour (maybe not even that long) and I was getting torn up in that first village you hit. "Your action got into my slow, plodding Resident Evil series!" "Oh yeah? Your Resident Evil got into my action game!!" Ahhh!! What do I do?! I died. Tons. Like Metal Gear, I just had too many other games to review, and this one kind of got lost in the shuffle.
Newer games that I need to play, or haven't played enough of:
I waited to hear which version was better before digging into this one, and I've just begun to play it on the Wii. I wasted some time in the town, and just got to the first cave. Feels like classic Zelda so far, but man, I can't help but wish the visuals were a little better. It's got some great design, but it's tough to go from Gears to this. I know, it's not all about the graphics, but you can't help but notice the (often) pitiful textures. I need to block off a whole day and get into the game. Maybe that day will be today...
Okay, so I've been waiting to play this co-op with friends. Unfortunately, all the people I was going to play with didn't get the game until Christmas. I have played through the part where you drive the "NOT A WARTHOG", so it's not like I haven't touched it, but after beating one level co-op with my brother, I knew that was how I wanted to enjoy this game. My buddies have promised me that New Years Day will be our "Emergence Day" but we'll see. They're all married so you never know when the wives will decide they need to clean the gutters or something.
I hate to say it, but I'm a little let down by GH 2. I played it a fair amount before it came out, but when I got it home from the store and played, it just didn't capture me like the original did. I think the opening setlist is pretty weak, and while they got some great artists, I feel like they did a really poor job on some of the song selections. And how do you manage to destroy an Alice In Chains song like that? Grrr. That said, it's still a fun game, and I'm looking forward to opening up all of the songs.
I've spent a fair amount of time with this one, but I'm looking forward to playing more. My garden is level 20 right now, and I just spent waaaay too much time getting a bunch of my flying creatures to mate. Argh, it's such a pain getting those Sparrowmints to do what you want them to do. I've been playing the game without any help from friends or FAQs, so I've spent more time than most experimenting with different things, but I've really enjoyed the game much more than I thought I would.
Wow, this list is going to go on forever. Here's the rest of the list of games I need to play, or play more of:
Bully, Trauma Center (Wii), Just Cause, Tiger Woods 07 (Stupid character was on the debug), Clubhouse Games, WTF, Elite Beat Agents, Sneak King, Final Fantasy XII (Maybe?), NFS: Carbon, and I'd really like to play a bunch of the Virtual Console games, too.
Hmm, perhaps I should stop writing about the games I need to play and actually go play some games. Sounds like a good plan. I'm off to go rescue a boy from a monkey in a cave. It's Zelda time!
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