As you may or may not have noticed, a feature in which the GameSpot editors discuss their most anticipated games of 2007 went up this weekend (judging by the "Where is insert game here?! OMG GameSpot hates insert console here!" comments, you have noticed). To clarify as to why the list wasn't longer, we were asked to pick one game each, and because there are only a handful of editors, there was no way every great game could be mentioned. I know I'm looking forward to the next Metal Gear and Super Mario Galaxy, but God of War was one of my all-time favorites, so I had to go with God of War 2.
If your favorite game didn’t mentioned, now is your chance to make your feelings known, right here in the Soapbox. I'd like to hear about the one game you're looking forward to the most this year. Leave a comment below or send an email to I'll look over the submissions and will put the best of them in a feature that will be posted to the Soapbox this Wednesday. Try to keep them under 150 words so we can get a good sample of games.
Well, what are you waiting for? Get writing!
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