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YOUR Most Anticipated Games of 2007

Last Saturday, GameSpot posted a feature in which each editor picked the one game they were looking forward to the most in 2007. Even the lads from GameSpot UK and GameSpot Australia chimed in, but even with this expanded roster there were some great games that didn't make it on the list. It's not that we're not interested in those games, but rather we were only able to pick one game each and not everything could make it. The passionate response of our audience to that feature prompted me to ask you, the reader, what game you were most looking forward to this year.

I received a ton of responses, and it was no surprise that many of you had trouble limiting your list to just one game and often named several games in your response. Some people were compelled to write entire blogs on the matter. See, it's not so easy to pick just one game, is it? These aren't all of the games that were mentioned, but due to space and time constraints I've picked the ones that were mentioned by the most people. Alright, enough with the yapping and onto your most anticipated games of 2007

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
digital_soul says:
It simply has to be Metroid Prime 3 on the Wii. Not only is this a game that has already been briefly, but tantalizingly, dangled in front of our face as a one time launch title, but is also the game that could potentially revolutionize the FPS genre. Early previews lauded the control scheme saying it was extremely intuitive and came very close to nailing the precision of mouse/keyboard controls. Add to that the fantastic legacy of the previous two games, Retro's undoubted talent, the extra time spent in development, the fact that no FPS has got it quite right on the Wii so far, and you have what could easily be a game of the year contender if they get it right.

Super Mario Galaxy
WhollyNight writes:
My vote for most anticipated game of 2007 has got to go to Super Mario Galaxy. As much as I'm looking forward to Smash Brothers Brawl, BioShock, Rogue Galaxy, Assassin's Creed, and many other games this year, it's been since Super Mario 64 since we last received a real Mario platforming game. There's plenty of room for them to have developed the gameplay to the point where it just won't feel like a retread of things we've done before. Not to mention that Nintendo will be sure to pull out all the stops to really show off what the Wii control scheme can do with their mascot roaming the deep corners of space. Tack on Miyamoto's practically flawless development record and I think we have a recipe for one of the most sure-fire mind blowing games of 2007.

Assassin's Creed
teh_ghost says:
The game I'm most looking forward has to be Assassin's Creed. I am a huge fan of the newer 3D Price of Persia Games, and in many ways, this game is reminding me of that. A lot of the Prince's acrobatic moves have made the move here, and the character seems to have some similarities as well. On top of that there is the whole confusing storyline and I'm interested to see how it plays out. As a Canadian, it's also a plus to see Ubisoft Montreal developing a game, so I can feel like I'm supporting my country by playing video games, as cheesy as that is. Everything about the game seems to really draw you in, the great graphical look, the setting of the crusades, and way the gameplay appears to work flawlessly.

Metal Gear Solid 4
wonderboy_46 writes:
The one game I'm looking forward to this year is Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. I have always been a huge fan of the Metal Gear series and have played every title, including those on the MSX. I have waited nearly six years since the conclusion of MGS2 to see where the narrative goes next and I can't wait to find out what happens. The game also promises to be the PS3's first "killer app" and remains the sole reason why I will be purchasing a PS3 despite the fact I am already an Xbox 360 owner. Here's hoping that Mr. Kojima will once again deliver on the huge hype.

Burnout 5
Sonicwizard writes:
I can't wait for Burnout: 5. I hope it can somehow surpass Burnout: Revenge. The Burnout series is just so great and never disappoints. The graphics always look amazing and they almost always add something to the game to make it better, one game after another. There is also so much content in the Burnout series; so many achievements and cars that lead to unlockables. Burnout: 5 will have me playing which ever console I get it on, for a very very long time, and I am going to enjoy every minute of it.

Mass Effect
HumanTorch101 says:
The game that I am most looking forward to is Mass Effect. It was made by the same company that brought us the KOTOR series and that has become one of the best RPG's IMO. They seem to be taking the "your actions affect the game" to the next level because EVERY single action you make can change the course of the game. If they do it right, this game will have a massive replay value and that is something that I look for when I buy a game. Also, the graphics look excellent and hopefully the sound and music will live up to my expectations as well. In conclusion, it looks as if Bioware has another winner and I hope that people will continue to support them so they can continue making excellent games.

Grand Theft Auto IV
emperor922 writes:
The game I'm looking forward to most would have to be GTA4 because last year we got a watered down version of it called Saint's Row. GTA4 has not been shown in any form and that's why I think I'm more interested in it than anything else. We don't know how it looks and if it will bring anything new to the table, or if it will fix any of its nagging control issues.

Rasgueado says:
This is a hard decision to make since picking a single favorite title is almost like splitting hairs at this point. Placed under duress, however, I would likely have to say that I'm most looking forward to BioShock. I've been watching this style of game since the original Ultima Underworld and each time the formula seems to be perfected a little bit more. I'm glad they've chosen a new world to set this in, and I'll be even happier if they tell a complete story with it instead of closing it with a cliffhanger. After that... I'll likely be crossing my fingers to see if they would be interested at taking a stab at trying another Thief title...

Command & Conquer 3
Shasam712 writes:
My most anticipated of '07 is Command and Conquer 3, specifically the 360 version for me. I am a die hard C&C nut, and it's been over half a decade since we had a Tiberium based installment in the series. Kane is back, cooking up some delightful plots, while the addition of the third alien race may mean that there will be some major revelations in the story. In truth, I could care less about the gameplay, I just need to know what Tiberium is; what its purpose is; and why, oh why, is Kane so cool!? I think it’s time to prove that RTS games can be major players on a console.

Just a few of the many other games mentioned include: Forza 2, Half-Life 2 Episode 2, Crysis, Spore, God of War 2, Banjo-Kazooie 3, Stranglehold, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Halo 3, Hellgate: London, Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, Blue Dragon, and one optimistic soul is still holding out hope for Duke Nukem Forever to make it out in 2007. I'd like to thank everyone for taking the time to comment and email me about their most anticipated game.