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Aaron_130 Blog

i retract my crackdown statement

ok i might have jumped the gun about Crackdown, tbh i cannot stop playing it, i dont know why -  i completed it nearly 2 weeks ago but ever since then i've just been playing to do the other things, while not being very interesting to do, i still did em ... like the rooftop races, car races and getting my stats to full ... only thing i need to do now are the coop achievements, but when i (with full stats) try joining a XBL coop game with someone with low stats they seem to cut me off, probably because i'm way too good for them to keep up, being able to jump higher, execute bigger explosions and so on, i can't blame them but awwwww me wants coop achievements :(

so erm ya, Crackdown isnt as bad as i said, it's really good fun :D

Ok ... i'm gonna give in! I'm Getting A Wii.

I've decided to give in and buy a Wii on the next payday, like my 360 purchase around this time last year i'm getting it purely for one EA Game. SSX Blur. (i got my 360 for Fight Night Round 3, but found many other excellent titles on there too)

I love the SSX series, the more i see of that game the more i want it, there's also Tiger Woods 07 which looks pretty good with the Wiimote, but i bet the putting is just as hard on the Wii version just like the other versions, The Godfather looks alright too but i've completed the main story of it on the 360 and now it's just too hard.

So in two weeks i get paid and i'm gonna go buy one for myself (my brother has one already, but i don't like to share, i'd rather have my own), i'm not excited or i'm dying to get one, tbh i don't even want one, but SSX is really great. Only one thing will stop me from getting it ... which is if SSX Blur gets a horrible review on Gamespot, then i shall pass on it completely.

Is it madness that i'm getting a new console for a game developed by EA, aka the devil? i actually like EA Games, they do some real good stuff. Am i the only one? am i crazy? hehe.

Crackdown = Letdown!

after getting hyped up by the demo i was psyched to get this game early, it took me like 5 days to do the main story mode and kill the 20 odd bosses and then ... nothing. There was nothing else to do, no side missions (i dont count racing as missions) and all i seem to want to try and do is get my stats up to full to get some achievement points, i managed to get max on explosives and agility and i actually got real bored, real fast. I've had the game for about a week and a half and i'm bored of this game already, to me that is kinda disappointing for any game to be so short and sweet, to lack some kind of variety, (find boss, go to boss area, kill boss, repeat) you'd think they would try and add a bit of variety when killing the bosses, like have them try and escape by driving off and you have to chase them down or something, but there was none of that, kinda makes your skills of being able to shoot the tires of any car useless (and it looks very cool) - not to mention the half baked co-op mode, i was under the impression that a friend could simply join you at any time and help you out if you got stuck, but even that was wrong. they have the ability to ask your permission to join you, then you gotta go out of the game, then rejoin and ... UGH it's just annoying, why couldnt it be simple like Gears Of War when anybody can join you at any time.

well i've had enough of ranting, i'll be sure to stick a review on Gamespot when i can do, Jeff's review thats on the site now is pretty accurate and very true, tbh i think he overrated it a bit, it didnt deserve any more than a 7, maybe 7.5.

it's been a while ..

now while i go on the forums every now and again browsing the comments of the games i'm currently playing, but i haven't posted on this blog since August 2006, which is like 6 months ... wow, that's a long time. so i figured i'd post here for a change :)

well, gaming wise, i've practically made the Xbox 360 my main source of gaming, i owned a PSP (second PSP since it came out) for a few weeks to get into GTA Vice City Stories but couldn't be bothered to finish it, because there was too much on the 360 to play that i completely ignored any other gaming console, so i ended up selling it to my dad who found much more use out of it.

So ... since August i've probably played every 360 game out, there's the obvious excellent games on there like:

Saint's Row (it's a good GTA clone, but it's no GTA)

Splinter Cell: Double Agent (great sequel, Single Player game was cool but a bit too samey, never dabbled much into MP though)

WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2007 (finally, a great Wrestling game coming to an Xbox console, and it is a great game)

Dead Rising (yet another great original game, fun for a while but it isn't one i went back to much after i did the full story mode thing)

Blitz: The League (now this was an absolutely pleasant suprise, i hate American Football because it's just plain retarded, like a pu$$y version of Rugby, but this game is brutal and really fun - thank god for region free 360 games too)

Gears Of War (i'm kinda sick of hearing about how good it is, it is a fantastic game yeah but there's only so much you can hype a game, practically every gamer knows of it by now)

Rainbow Six: Vegas (after loving GRAW this was looking forward to this, the first R6 title i've wanted since the first ever one since the original PC version, never liked the original Xbox versions tbh, but this one is a very good game, can be addictive but can be really hard at times)

Lost Planet (great intense game, but it's not one i keep coming back to, it's not very addictive like Gears is)

that's to name a few, i was let down by a few titles i was looking forward to, like Superman Returns, Pro Evolution Soccer 6, Tony Hawk Project 8 and NFS Carbon ... and some that were plain horrible, like Pimp My Ride (it offends the Xbox 360 name) and Cars, i tried to play them a lot for the points, but some of them i just couldn't play that much.

As for me, i started a job in December so that gives me more chance to be able to afford future consoles (bt less time to actually play on them :/ ), at the moment though, with all this "Wii hype" in the gaming world, i think i'm the only person in the world who doesnt care about the Wii, or cannot get excited enough about it so i would buy one, at one time i would have gotten it for Red Steel but after the terrible reviews i put it off, and wisely so i think, the game lineup looks mediocre at best, Zelda games have bored me since the N64 ones, the rest of the ok looking games are party games, but being one who doesn't have many party's it's a bit stupid to get them. One game i'm gonna keep my eye on is SSX Blur, if it gets decent reviews then maybe i'll get one for that, i love the SSX series... and as for the PS3, it'll get decent games in the future for sure (majority of which will be on the 360 though), but for £425 it can stay on the store shelf.

i'll try not to leave a few month gap on my next post :p - laters

On A Roll ...

recently i've been doing rather well with the achievement points, i got 100% complete with Hitman Blood Money, i finally found a cheap copy of Fifa 06 Road To WC which has doable achievements, Tony Hawk AW seems easy enough to get at least 900 (and if it is too hard, i'll get my younger brother to do it, he's ridiculously good on this game), borrowed a dodgy copy of Madden which don't work properly, a mate and i managed to get some points on NHL 2K6 (which was pure luck) and got a couple in the new PGR3 updates with the new cat&mouse game and so cone capturing game thing. I Still have most of Fifa 06, NFS Most Wanted and King Kong to get 900 points on each at least so i'm well on my way onto getting 15,000 in the next 2 weeks i think.

fingers crossed eh :D

Catching Up ...

ok so i've not posted in a while, to be honest i totally forgot about this blog :o so i'll do a quick catch up:

Got Prey, did Prey - was disappointed with Prey, after an hour of play it just seemed so boring, the only thing that had me finishing it was the achievement points, and i did the game in around 6 hours, i just do not like the Doom3 engine, although i do think Prey was the best game to make use of the engine so far, but that wasn't saying much really.

LOTR BFME2 is a real good game, i enjoyed the PC version of the first game and didn't go to the PC version of BFME2 so opted for the 360 version and it is really fun, seems that if i play the game when my 360 has been on a few hours the game skips and jumps a lot, which i wasn't too happy about because it ruins the fun of the game - i'll play more over the next few weeks.

Managed to complete Hitman: Blood Money - i'm still loving this game to bits and doing it now purely for the achievements (which are fun to get) i did get the Silent Assassin achievements (5 ranks of SA on each difficulty) and did some of the secret ones, the notoriety one seems to be tricky as does the weapon collection one, the only one i need to do aswell as those two is to complete the game on easiest difficulty lol.

Also managed to get 1000 gamerpoints from NBA LIve 06, which has massive bug in it where you can still win the achievments by simulating a season, i got 700 points just by doing that, didn't even play a game of basketball lol. To finish off i had to get an online game win, which i managed to get :D

Thanks to Prey i managed to get to the big 10k gamerpoints i'm now aiming to get 15k, there are games i own that i never actually played much so i've decided to go back to them and get the points i missed :D

that's enough of me ... laters !

Bit Of A Boring Weekend

haven't been on the xbox too much this weekend, was on GRAW online trying to do the one co-op mission i need to do to get the achievement points and i cannot do it to save my life, it's totally stressing me out. Tried The Outfit to get a couple of the medals i missed and i only got 2 of them on 2 different levels, haven't gotten a clue where the ones that i missed though.

Managed to finish off Hitman: Blood Money earlier in the week too, the ending was so brilliant and the game was so fun that i am going to play through the game on harder difficulty settings - it's definately one of the more underrated 360 games (or just 'games' since its on many other platforms) out there, really great game.

Made a start on Chromehounds earlier this week which is a really good looking game, the actual action in the game is quite mundane especially in the Single Player campaign, and when i try to join the game on Xbox Live it is 'currently unavailable' which was really crap :x - i have read that most of the fun in this game is in it's online mode, getting on it so i can find that out would be nice though.

Eh well, i got LOTR Battle For Middle Earth 2 and Prey to look forward to this week, i cannot wait to get into those two :D


PC Overheating, meaning Summer really is here!

Well I installed World Of Warcraft last night to play with a mate on private servers (cos i can't afford to play legit) and my PC keeps overheating and shutting down while i play the game, which means its that warm in my room that my PC can't handle it :evil:

My 360 hasn't seen much action in the last day or so, went out to a mates for a few beers and watched the football (where England lost, well - they got robbed) so i was a bit too drunk for Xbox that night. Today i went back to The Outfit and did a couple of missions for medals but now my dad has taken a deep interest in the Xbox 360 after seeing me play The Outfit so he's been coming in while i'm not on it to get a couple of goes. He's been enjoying the game a lot, i knew he would since it's his preferred type of game (simple WW2 run n gun action) ... to be honest i'm predicting he'll get an xbox 360 soon for himself, he completely dismissed the 360 before he saw that game, calling Xbox crap saying he's going to get a PS3 (which i don't doubt) but i do think he'll get one just for himself, good job too because i don't like to share my consoles and stuff lol. It's the first ever Xbox he's played on, he hated the original Xbox because 'it was too big' and he hated the pad ... like i say on the 'About Me', he has no taste.

Had an hour on Hitman: Blood Money earlier, since i lost my savegames during the week i've had to start fresh, i really enjoy that game but to play it properly i'm having to use a walkthrough because the ingame hints are completely useless, they give no hint or idea to you so the missions (after the 2nd mission) are hard to work out. Since this is the second time i've been through the game i knew what to do this time around so 3 or 4 of the missions took me about an hour to do, whereas last time it took me weeks to do them :? ... i even got a 'Silent Assassin' rank on one mission, which got me some achievement points :D

catch ya later!

Ok First Blog Entry ...

After seeing Justin Calvert post in a Dead Rising thread i saw that he had a profile on here just like myself (well duuh !!) and after a while i even found other members of the Gamespot crew on here (Jeff, Carrie and Ryan) and i liked what i saw on their 'blogs' so that kinda pushed me into wanting one myself, so now it is - my first entry in my own blog. I'll start with a couple of stories.

Xbox Live Killed My SaveGames (well, it was me, gotta blame something other than me)

Ok so earlier this month (well, now it'll be last month) my Xbox Live Gold expired (i was too cheap to get a 12month one so opted for a 3month one) so i ended up making a seperate Gamertag for Gold and had my primary tag (aseddon130) on silver till i could afford it, playing certain games online i started to earn a few achievement points on this other account (FarCry and Table Tennis) which was kinda ticking me off because it was on a stupid account which was going to get ditched after a month, so that pushed me to get a few months Gold on my normal tag. My mate owed me some money so i asked him to 'recover my Gamertag' on his 360 and stick his credit card details in and pay for a months Gold, he did it successfully, when i went back to trying to play on my account it logged out and died on me. So i now had to re-recover my own gamertag on my system which my 360 refused to do, it would crash every single time when downloading it. Me being the impatient type began to get frustrated, so at first i thought that maybe my profile on my 360 was corrupt and i couldn't overwrite it (or something) so i ended up deleting my profile on my 360 (which i didn't realise erased my savegames) and then it still wouldn't recover. 5 hours later it still wouldn't recover, during which time i asked my mate to try recovering it on his 360 (thinking there was something wrong with my system) and same happened to him. When i got my friend in USA to try it it worked fine, so there was an error with Xbox Live in the UK. i left it till around 11pm (around the time Xbox Live Marketplace gets less busy and faster for downloading demos) and it recovered fine ... so really i erased my savegames for nothing :( i was nearly in tears lol, most games i am done with but now i gotta start King Kong, NFS Most Wanted, BF2 and GRAW all over again (amongst others) which im not happy about


Ok so onto today, what did i do today? hmm ... i finally got around to trying 'The Outfit' on Xbox 360 on Co-op on Xbox Live, which was real fun. My mate whom i know on a forum i moderate knows the game inside out so he would tell me that 'oh next, we gotta defend here and then a crapload of tanks come over the hill and we gotta shoot them then advance forward' and so on, on my own i had done to mission 8 and then with him i did from mission 8 to the end of the game, getting all of the medals on the way (1 medal = 20/25 achievement points each :D ) ... i need to go back to some of the earlier missions to get those medals, i'll probably do that soon enough.

ok sorry for such a lengthy first post, gotta start somewhere. laters!