now while i go on the forums every now and again browsing the comments of the games i'm currently playing, but i haven't posted on this blog since August 2006, which is like 6 months ... wow, that's a long time. so i figured i'd post here for a change :)
well, gaming wise, i've practically made the Xbox 360 my main source of gaming, i owned a PSP (second PSP since it came out) for a few weeks to get into GTA Vice City Stories but couldn't be bothered to finish it, because there was too much on the 360 to play that i completely ignored any other gaming console, so i ended up selling it to my dad who found much more use out of it.
So ... since August i've probably played every 360 game out, there's the obvious excellent games on there like:
Saint's Row (it's a good GTA clone, but it's no GTA)
Splinter Cell: Double Agent (great sequel, Single Player game was cool but a bit too samey, never dabbled much into MP though)
WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2007 (finally, a great Wrestling game coming to an Xbox console, and it is a great game)
Dead Rising (yet another great original game, fun for a while but it isn't one i went back to much after i did the full story mode thing)
Blitz: The League (now this was an absolutely pleasant suprise, i hate American Football because it's just plain retarded, like a pu$$y version of Rugby, but this game is brutal and really fun - thank god for region free 360 games too)
Gears Of War (i'm kinda sick of hearing about how good it is, it is a fantastic game yeah but there's only so much you can hype a game, practically every gamer knows of it by now)
Rainbow Six: Vegas (after loving GRAW this was looking forward to this, the first R6 title i've wanted since the first ever one since the original PC version, never liked the original Xbox versions tbh, but this one is a very good game, can be addictive but can be really hard at times)
Lost Planet (great intense game, but it's not one i keep coming back to, it's not very addictive like Gears is)
that's to name a few, i was let down by a few titles i was looking forward to, like Superman Returns, Pro Evolution Soccer 6, Tony Hawk Project 8 and NFS Carbon ... and some that were plain horrible, like Pimp My Ride (it offends the Xbox 360 name) and Cars, i tried to play them a lot for the points, but some of them i just couldn't play that much.
As for me, i started a job in December so that gives me more chance to be able to afford future consoles (bt less time to actually play on them :/ ), at the moment though, with all this "Wii hype" in the gaming world, i think i'm the only person in the world who doesnt care about the Wii, or cannot get excited enough about it so i would buy one, at one time i would have gotten it for Red Steel but after the terrible reviews i put it off, and wisely so i think, the game lineup looks mediocre at best, Zelda games have bored me since the N64 ones, the rest of the ok looking games are party games, but being one who doesn't have many party's it's a bit stupid to get them. One game i'm gonna keep my eye on is SSX Blur, if it gets decent reviews then maybe i'll get one for that, i love the SSX series... and as for the PS3, it'll get decent games in the future for sure (majority of which will be on the 360 though), but for £425 it can stay on the store shelf.
i'll try not to leave a few month gap on my next post :p - laters