Happy Easter everyone! Or late Easter i should say. Sorry havent blogged recently.
To keep everyone up to date, yes i have finished final fantasy 13, doing the side quests now, heavy rain is awesome and no, i havent played God of war 3 yet.
With the lack of what i like to call 'Classic JRPG's' recently. Ive decided to visit a classic ive never gotten around to finishing. Lufia on the SNES.
Lufia is a JRPG made by Neverland. They arent THAT well known, but if any of you have heard of Shining Force or Rune Factory games, those are made by them. Published by Enix before they merged with Square, to become Square-Enix we know today.
Lufia series isnt that well-known, but its a great example of a traditional JRPG during the 16-bit days. Great story, characters and Gameplay for its time, trying to innovate itself and stand out from the crowd. There is also a Sequel called Lufia 2: Rise of the sinstrals, also on SNES, a game on Gameboy color and Game boy Advance, which i have yet to find, and apparently also a future Lufia game coming on DS?! If someone can confirm this for me, ill be greatfull.
So i popped this sucker into my SNES when it arrived, and played it for some hours, and woooww, its great! All i need to find now is Secret of Mana!! (And Chrono trigger?...maybe haha)
Also last week was **** i dont want to get into it on my blog, but it was a pretty ****house week indeed.
Anywho, thats me, everyone enjoy your Easter, dont eat too much chawklite and be careful of Zombie Jesus! I hear he has hax that are making me respawn. Also, dont touch Jesus's easter eggs. He will get pissed.
Alright lol, im done with the Jesus jokes..seriously...