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Abercrombie6969 Blog

Don't be a sheep

They sure told us that Too Human stank.

Who gives a flying f*cktard anyway. Remember that time when websites aren't ruled by bias d*ckheads? Oh that's right you can't because they are bias d*ckheads in the first place. "Professional" reviews are just glorified opinions nothing more, no different than your standard troll pulling sh*t out of his ass to make a game look bad. If you go to a game website and let them make your own opinion for you then congratulations your just a tool. If you want real unbias review you don't have to look further but your own. Play a demo, rent the game and don't be a sheep.

COD fans unite!!! Trolls can lick my @ss!!!

My rant and my 2 cents

Its fine if they wont buy this game, less noobs to pwn. I bet its going to hurt their feelings when this game turned out to be good and they are going to bash this game some more to prove that they are slow witted and retarded. To compensate for their small "wang" and low self esteem they start a pissing contest by pissing every COD veteran fans even though their balls haven't drop yet. Now when they get my attention they act like they are all holy and sh!t and talk like they are a fan and know what the hell they're saying when obviously they're just making sh!t up. Of course as a COD veteran fan, they would stir up a Hornet's Nest. I would object to their naysaying and give reasonable arguments but all those are futile since their brains can't process new information or in a sick and perverted way they are having fun with it because its the only time that they can insult people and not be beaten up severely.To fight the troll don't dignify an insult with a response. They would say that its their opinion, oh sure opinion but what about my opinion did you ever think about that when you said "ZOMG you're retarded!!! WAW sucks major balls!!! WW2 can kiss my @ss lolz" If waiting for this game is retarded then I dont want to be normal anymore. You're not Jesus!, did your parents thought you about respect and humility?Personally I hope they get reincarnated to be a dog, so they can eat their own sh!t. Talk about the irony there.

Ive been playing COD since the first one and I own all of them. Hell even the roads to victory didn't dissapoint me. I've been a fan of IW since they were making MOH (yes they made MOHAA, they are 2015). Although CODWAW is being made by another developer I have hopes that this game will be great if not a definitive COD experience.

so if you love COD to death or you just hate noobs and trolls, reply and let the COD flame roll and burning. I salute you, true COD fans!


dont take this seriously , I just made this for fun. Ok here it goes.

Phill Harrison worked for Sony for many years. Recently he left Sony for Atari, and now works as the Head Honcho there. Eden and Atari released this game "Alone in The Dark", a new take from an old franchise that gave birth/popularize the survival horror genre. The new game while innovative and broke new grounds in terms of game presentation, was lambasted endlessly by critics and gamers alike for the controls and physics. Although critically panned the game sold well on all available consoles even though it was obviously flawed. A PS3 version was planned but quickly dissappeared from public attention. Leipzig 2008, out of nowhere the PS3 version appeared and it played nowhere near as the original release was. Critics praised the complete overhaul and even touted it as "the game that should have been". Eden promised that a patch would be available but shouldn't they released the patch just after the release of the Xbox 360 and PC versions and not wait for several months? and another thing EDEN known for developing Test Drive but they cant improve the driving segments on the earlier versions?

Connect the dots people... Sony, Phil Harrison, Atari , Xbox 360 and PC , decent, PS3 version, superior.

or simply put its another con where atari hypes up a game, releases an unfinished game then release the "enhanced" version so that impulse buyers could have a field day. This is like The Witcher and NeverWinter Nights all over again.

Nah, I'm still gonna buy this for the PS3 because I really love this game to death.