dont take this seriously , I just made this for fun. Ok here it goes.
Phill Harrison worked for Sony for many years. Recently he left Sony for Atari, and now works as the Head Honcho there. Eden and Atari released this game "Alone in The Dark", a new take from an old franchise that gave birth/popularize the survival horror genre. The new game while innovative and broke new grounds in terms of game presentation, was lambasted endlessly by critics and gamers alike for the controls and physics. Although critically panned the game sold well on all available consoles even though it was obviously flawed. A PS3 version was planned but quickly dissappeared from public attention. Leipzig 2008, out of nowhere the PS3 version appeared and it played nowhere near as the original release was. Critics praised the complete overhaul and even touted it as "the game that should have been". Eden promised that a patch would be available but shouldn't they released the patch just after the release of the Xbox 360 and PC versions and not wait for several months? and another thing EDEN known for developing Test Drive but they cant improve the driving segments on the earlier versions?
Connect the dots people... Sony, Phil Harrison, Atari , Xbox 360 and PC , decent, PS3 version, superior.
or simply put its another con where atari hypes up a game, releases an unfinished game then release the "enhanced" version so that impulse buyers could have a field day. This is like The Witcher and NeverWinter Nights all over again.
Nah, I'm still gonna buy this for the PS3 because I really love this game to death.