AbhiKya's forum posts
I also live in Canada so lag shouldn't be too bad. I'll add you if you like my code is 2921-8759-5458. I'll PM you too.pjacobson21
np bro... consider urself added
haha u r a funny one eh? i can't believe this thread went to 2 pages....w00t! neways...ima add u guys asap...meaning right now
lol thanks bro (i was born with an oversized brain)............wat do u mean failing? u must have failed....this is the summer haha....or r u going to summer school?
P.S just to make it clear for those scratching their heads...sarcasm may have been used too much on my part... if u still don't get it...i am not 10
lol, YES I AM 10 and going to UNIVERSITY...bwhahaha.
Thanks for the adds guys...the canadians in the thread u guys / gals...wait....guys have facebook?
...i say candians cause most americans i know use myspace...nevertheless add me
add me...makes it much easier to set up matches.......Abhinay Kondamreddy
P.S i do use snake...still working on mastering him
nothing about the game I am addicted. This is my first smash bros game, and no its not cause I am 10, I am going to university next year, turns out the I was deprived as a child and never owned a VG system...until now, I got it a while ago. I am on my own, cause I am an only child. I have online, and want to play. I know there is a massive list of friend codes, but I figured this would be easier. I play as marth, lucas, falco, toon link and pit.........ocassioanly ike and snake, peach and link. I have all the chars unlocked.
My friend code is: 2320 5818 4233
add me if you want to loose...jk...more like add me if you want to cry while you loose..jk...ok I'll stop now
P.S I have a fairly fast broadband connection, I live in Ontario Canada, so if you are near by, by all means add me and pm me ur codes.
E3: as I said I am new to wii, what are some of the new FPSs out there for wii? I used to play halo for xbox, but am looking for something of that magnitude on wii (not interms of sales, but in terms of fun), is there anything new in the oven?
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