I'm in college right now studying in the IT profession. I'm doing really well in school, with a GPA of 3.5 currently. That's a HUGE improvement since I was in high school six or seven years ago when I barely got a 60%. Those marks come at a price, though.
The cost is GAMING.
Before college, I was an avid gamer. It's all I did. Work, Game, sleep. Rinse and repeat for a good six years. I was happy, too. Last Summer I applied for NBCC (New Brunswick Community College) Woodstock as IT: Desktop Support. I was pretty stoked as anyone else would be, and I had just met a woman that I liked a lot.
We had hit it off well, and we became very good friends. Let's just say that the life of sleep, work and game was changed (for the good!) A couple days before I was moving away to a town that is about three hours and a half away, I asked her if she wanted to date, make it official! Eventually she said yes.
Now we live together, and I wouldn't take anything back. School is almost done and we should be moving back to our home in less than twenty days!
But yes, now back to the titled topic. How this changed how I game. Studying hard, doing the work has cut my gaming time down a great amount, MMO's were out of the idea, and I couldn't really put a great deal of effort into getting good at games like StarCraft and League of Legends. I had to turn to other games, more "casual" per say, but it turns out that I enjoy them more. I feel less obligated to play them, where I'm not stressing whether I sucked terribly that match.
Indie games, oh how I love thee. They attract my attention even moreso than those Blockbuster games, and now my consoles have an inch thick layer of dust on them. I am a PC gamer at heart, and that will never change. I love games like MineCraft, Lone Survivor and Amnesia, and I always try to find others. I do play Battlefield 3 and League of Legends from time to time, but lately it's been all Indie. I find myself not wanting to get addicted to games, and not feel obligated to play that one game constantly, I have around 100 titles that I bought and never touched yet because I was addicted to World of WarCraft and games like it.
My girlfriend and I (MeowJolene) have just started an Indie "Let's Play" channel and I think it's a great project for us. Our gaming might pay off eventually. I'm probably going to focus on the more strategic, horror titles (I want to play horror games in general, as REAL Survival Horror games are rare nowadays!)
The journey of my real life has begun. I wish to become a successful IT Professional in the Networking field. My utterly amazing girlfriend supports me all the way, and I like to think I do with her art and stuff. When I move back I'll be able to see all of my friends again, whom I've neglected, because for some reason it was painful to talk to when I wasn't able to see them.
Life has just started, and Life is GOOD!
PS. Our Youtube channel is IndieSyrup, please subscribe!
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