I love the series. I wouldn't really mind playing as Radien again. The only catch is that we can't play with him after the events of MSG4. reason why is because he's a father now. He's gonna accept his role he part is now done. HOWEVER around the time of MSG2 in the end until him becoming a full cybrog would be pretty nice. It would take a good story but it could work. If not then forget Radien and do Ocelot. That would be awsome also his involvment with the patriots. If not then yeah just bring up new characters.
Abito's forum posts
i say gears of war. I heard stories about it being really hard to quit playing WoW? idk it's kinda scary but whatever. I would get the best bang with my friends whenever i played it. You should either buy it or rent it and play the hell out of it since gears 2 is coming in november.
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