What a pointless article. This isn't the final game. Ans as much as I love Halo, the graphics probably won't top Gears. They need to really work on the features of the human characters.
Well, this article seems like a slight waste of time. It basically says, "In case you didn't know, 360 games cost 10 bucks more and have achievement points." My PC is a little dated anyway, so 360 was the right choice for me. If you have a good PC, it's just what control scheme you like more, right?
No big deal for me, I've got a 360. It cost me $400 bucks and I won't have wasted any money updating it a couple years from now. I don't plan on upgrading to Vista any time soon, either :)
The game is FUN regardless of what it looks like. I just want to slaughter the brutes. The 3 maps in the beta as well as the weapon seem like a mod or update of Halo 2, not their own game. As I play more I assume this opinion will change. The detachable chainguns are kind of dumb, but the bubble shield and that anti-grav device really reshape the gameplay. There's definitely a lot more attention to detail, and the re-skinned plasma rifle looks amazing when you fire two of them in the cave areas of snowbound. The lighting effects are great. But has the master chief become a god? Why does he not BLEED? I expect a shower of blood when I kill someone with a chaingun, if nothing else.
Absolutezerr's comments