Alright, so you're asking for some good exclusives? Here's a list: Alan Wake * If you love (or crave) a combination of horror and thriller in a video game, look no further. With an intense atmosphere, enjoyable plot, and believable voice acting, you won't be leaving Bright Falls for sometime. Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts *You'll be taking a trip back to your childhood. With plenty of customization options, enjoyable game-play, and constructing your own wacky vehicle - you'll be investing a lot of time into this one! 'Fable' series (Fable II and Fable III) Believe it or not, while they may not be superior to the original, they are still enjoyable games to play. Ruling the land as a king or saving the kingdom from tyranny - you'll have many options to consider. Good or evil? You decide. 'Forza Motorsport' series (Forza Motorsport 2, Forza Motorsport 3, Forza Motorsport 4, Forza Horizon) If you're looking for the best-racing game period, look no further than the Forza Motorsport series. Whether you wanted the tremendous car roster, jaw-dropping visuals, enjoyable soundtrack, or adrenaline-fueled multiplayer - it was all here in each and every package. You'll be satisfied by whatever game you decide to pick up. If you decide to pick up all four, we may never see you again in the forums. 'Gears of War' series (Gears of War, Gears of War 2, Gears of War 3, Gears of War: Judgment) If you have a craving for gore and want to basically swim in an ocean of your enemies blood, look no further than the Gears of War trilogy. 'Halo' series (Halo: Anniversary, Halo Wars, Halo: Reach, Halo 3: ODST, Halo 3, Halo 4) This is, by-far, my favorite exclusive series for the Xbox 360. I'd personally recommend Halo: Anniversary, Halo: Reach, Halo 3, and Halo 4. Halo Wars and Halo 3: ODST were more like spin-offs than remakes. If you love first-person shooters set in a more futuristic setting - Halo is definitely for you. If you love competitive multiplayer, Halo will not let you go until you either fall asleep, pass out, or pass away. 'Project Gotham Racing' series (Project Gotham Racing 3, Project Gotham Racing 4) While the developer had filed for bankruptcy, they did throw out two entertaining arcade racers for the Xbox 360. If you like the arcade feeling of racing and love earning points (called kudos) doing things such as drifting, passing, or time laps then this series is aimed at your interests. 'Ninety-nine nights' series (Ninety-Nine Nights, Ninety-Nine Nights II) If you love hack 'n slash games combined with a dash of Dynasty Warriors then you'll fall in love with this old-school Japanese hack 'n slash. While it may not break revolutionary grounds in terms of plot or game-play, it certainly will hold your interest for a while. State of Decay *Here's an exclusive to brag about: an open-world zombie apocalypse. While it may be a little pricey at first-glance for an arcade game, it delivers an entertaining experience to settle your zombie-slaying tastes for a long time. That's all for now. If you have any more questions, just hit me up.
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