1. MGS42. Resistance3. Uncharted4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma5. HAZEYeah, I put HAZE in there. Sue me.pwnmachine244Yeah lets sue him HAZE is one of the Games The PS3 has to offer cmon it got a 5/10!!!!!
Well..............Yes and NoYes because its the best type of system for the ps3No because after the 2.42 update it the XMB dosent go up (it does but when i try to quit game it stays at a black screen for 1 hour then it works)
Alot of Plp Say Halo 3 Sucks and COD4 Rules Alot of Plp Say the Other Way Around.I Like Halo because 1-4 players online in 1 system Cod4 you cantAnd GTA4 Is Pervect even tho i will i give GTA4 a 8/10 because of the crappy online play.Halo 10/10 Pervect Online Gaming and StoryCod4 9/10 Online Pervect Story Excellent but not a 10/10:D
Sorry i gotta go with Guiter Hero(Guiter Hero Made 4 Games) and Rock Only got 1 (Rockband 2 coming soon)
Whats your Top 5 mines are1.Metal Gear Solid 42.Grand Theft Auto 43.Call of Duty 44.The Assasin Creed5.Rainbow Six Vegas 1
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