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#1 Ace6301
Member since 2005 • 21389 Posts

Steven Armstrong 2020

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#2  Edited By Ace6301
Member since 2005 • 21389 Posts

There's different sorts of crying and reasons for doing it. Some do indeed make the person crying look weak. Some just show how much conviction to something they have.

MGS is basically the "How to guide: Crying like a man and not Otacon"

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#3 Ace6301
Member since 2005 • 21389 Posts
@wolverine4262 said:

Kill La Kill. RIGHT NOW!

Get on the Hype train because right now there's no sign of it stopping.

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#4 Ace6301
Member since 2005 • 21389 Posts

Kill La Kill

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#5 Ace6301
Member since 2005 • 21389 Posts

Its probably one of the smallest culture differences between different countries but yes there is a difference. I've spent a lot of time around Americans and honestly I just don't bring up Canadian culture things because I assume they won't know what the **** I'm talking about (because in the past they didn't). Its far easier to just stick with American stuff around Americans since your culture is so saturated and everyone knows it.

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#6  Edited By Ace6301
Member since 2005 • 21389 Posts
@fnevaeva said:

@juboner said:

@Ace6301: If I gave you 2 reasons of course you wont see them as something bad to society bc u think nothing is wrong with homosexuality. So why should I, no point.

I'm sure you guys are atheist as well, your minds are made up.

Agreed. You can only tell them about God's word so much and then it's up to them to decide what's right or wrong, what to believe and not. But if you are a True Christian, you don't just pick and choose which parts of the Bible to believe in. Which is what I hope they aren't doing.

Leviticus 19:19 “Neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.”

Leviticus 19:27 “Neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.”

Leviticus 19:19 “Thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed.”

Leviticus 19:28 “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord.”

This fucking Leviticus guy, right? Pretty sure the first two alone **** a lot of people out of being "True Christians". Not even going to get into the whole murdering gays and adulterers thing because I really, really hope no one even considers that the least bit proper.

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#7 Ace6301
Member since 2005 • 21389 Posts

@juboner said:

@Ace6301: If I gave you 2 reasons of course you wont see them as something bad to society bc u think nothing is wrong with homosexuality. So why should I, no point.

I'm sure you guys are atheist as well, your minds are made up.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time"

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#8  Edited By Ace6301
Member since 2005 • 21389 Posts

@juboner said:

@Master_Live: If you cant think of at least two then your lost and mind is gone, brainwashed, blacked out. I'm done with it and feel no need to defend my stance against people with this kind of thinking.

I have a few gay friends and i'm ok with them bc they are not flaming and going out of their way to let everyone know they are gay, but it is evil.

"No, I cannot"

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#9 Ace6301
Member since 2005 • 21389 Posts

@fnevaeva said:
@Ace6301 said:

@fnevaeva said:

But since I am straight (chose it)

So you're bi.

How does being straight make me bi?

You said you chose to be straight. I feel like if there was a need to make a choice you're either bi or gay and in denial (nothing wrong with either but lying to yourself is a pretty unhealthy practice). I get why gay people say its not a choice because I myself never made a choice to be attracted to women any more than I chose to have blond hair and white skin.

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#10 Ace6301
Member since 2005 • 21389 Posts

So first you complain about the lack of high quality images of the lunar landings site and then nit pick them and claim they're fake because you can't see human foot print in a photo you can't even find. Genius.

Wow its almost like a bunch of smart people planned these missions and had it so the landing would take place shortly after lunar sunrise. Which isn't even that bad to plan because as you said lunar days are longer.

Someone earlier mentioned the Van Allen belt. Again its almost like someone who isn't a complete idiot planned these missions! They specifically planned a trajectory through the Van Allen belt to lessen the amount of radiation they'd be exposed to. Not even mentioning the material choices in the module which aren't exactly hard picks. James Van Allen himself didn't even think the radiation would be an issue.

"its too hot on the moon for people. But why didn't they find FROZEN WATER" I think this is right up there with what I thought you meant about the photo earlier.

Which brings me to this

Is this the picture you were referring to? If I had to guess with a rational mind I'd say no because it doesn't match what you claim in any way (its also from 2011 so it predates your supposed image by quite a bit which means it isn't a touch up which is in my experience what conspiracy theorists try to claim) but I think that presumption is sort of useless.

So in conclusion: Hoomens 2 dum to actually think about anything relevant to planning a mission to the moon but we used Super Serbian Anti-Gravitational devices to fly there. We obviously didn't go with that route because we didn't want the Ruskies to see our hair standing on end after all the static.
