Hell week #1 is over! Finally I have the weekend all to myself! I got some homework and a project I finished all that stuff last night (Friday). Yes I said Friday night, how sad is that, my only excuse for me doing work last night is that all my friends were piled up with work as well so for like the first month everyone is getting back into the swing of things. So we are just trying to get everything done so we have the weekend to ourselves. Well all I can say is that my cl*sses aren't as bad as I thought they would be but Living Enviorment (Biiology) still hasn't changed that cl*ss still SUCKS. The jocks haven't done anything at all to irrate ANYONE so far. So it's been decent. Well tonight for those of you who like Naruto, well the world premire movie is on Carttonnetwork tonight, at 7:00pm and then agan at 9:00pm. So well thats it till next weeks post. Thanks for reading!
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