Well Happy Holidays to everyone! I'm not gonna say Merry Christmas because I'm Jewish. Some of you guys are probably wondering why in the world would I be typing about the holidays so early. Well to answer that I just found out that I MIGHT be getting a laptop, I've been begging my parents for and they have been saying no, college is coming up in two (2) years, everything will be better, yada yada yada. More to the point, my parents BOTH of them asked me would I like a PC or a Mac, which implies to me at least, that I'm gonna get a laptop instead of my sh*t desktop. My reasoning behind me getting a laptop is for the fact of over the past four (4) years my compputer has crashed every year or a tal of three (3) times. It's also a slow piece of poo for an XP Home Media Edition, with many problems. Yeah and even right now it comes up with a message that says "error on line 56" whatever the f*ck that means. Moving on. School well it's official I HATE my Spanishe teacher more then my Living Enviorment(Biology, Bio)teacher, never thought I'd say that. It isn't too the fact that the kid who I hate with aburning passion is in that clas with me, yay me. It is that she is n denial, she says that she told us of a test that we had today being Friday on Monday which is impossible because we didn't have school on Monday because of Veteran's Day. Then she says she told us on Friday which is total bulsh*t. She also makes this Regents c!ass like an Honors c!ass. Her test are f*cking worksheets that youi go WTF Mate! I've seen my friends tests who are ina Honors c!ass and it's easier. Also she sucks at teaching all she does is speak in Spanish when none of us have any f*cking idea what she is saying, which really doesn't benefit me. Another thing she has NO c!assroom control and just now she starts to realize that and she gave out detentions, but the kids who got them did deserve it, one of them who got it, I personally think that he shouldn't have got it, even though I dislike him because he is a jock and an @$$hole, but I do know what is right from wrong and this teacher (Spanish for those of you who forgot already) is so f*cking wrong. Now on Monday I'm going to complain to my Guidance Counsler, who also sucks at her job, lucky me, but my Guidance Counsler is another story for another sentence/paragraph/blog. Other then me wanting to beat thw sh*t of my Bio c!ass and hating Spanish school is great. Also for the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, besides that possible laptop, I'm gonna ask my Aunts and Ucles for Assassians Creed for the PS3, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (360), maybe WWE Smackdown! vs. RAW 2008 Featuring ECW (PS3) and maybe any other good PS3 game that comes out soon, because I need actually "want" more PS3 games. Also about my ex-girlfriend, we are still friends we talk on AIM/AOL. Here friends whoare my friends toojust IM'ed me the other day asking me what happened between me and her and I'm like, hold up this happened about two (2) weeks ago and now your IM'ing me! Yeah it was sort of funny, but whatever. Wow I just realized this probably one of my longest blogs, well thanks for reading it, next time I'll try to keep it shrt and sweet.
AceBermanX's Quote of the Blog (Official Name for this Section)
Why is it that when we talk to God we're said to be praying, but when God talks to us we're schizophrenic? -Lily Tomlin