No its nothing sweious per say. I just have a couple of rants I need to get off my chest. Here you.
Rant #1: What the hell has society come to? No not that other rant from a copuple of weeks ago. It just struck me today. What the hell are we teaching todays children? I'm an aide (assistant to the teacher) and I was sitting in the c!ass I teach from 10:00AM - 11:00AM. Its called Crazy Clay, yes lame as all hell. I playing Tetris (awesome cell - phone game might I add and highly addictive) on my phone. the teacher doesn't mind at all. The kids who range from age 8 -10 or so are talking about... Family Guy, South Park (the "What What (In the butt)" video) and etc. Me personally, I'm like WTF. I was going to talk to them and go into conversation about how funny it is, but then the thought struck me. These kids are only like 8 years old or so. So then this leads me to believe what are we teaching our future generations?! Seriously education has improved a great deal from a the old days. But what good does that do if we let that generation through it all away by watching those shows. Me I'm fine with the shows IF and ONLY IF your old enough. People say education is very improtant to us, then why let a damn 8 year old watch this ****! Come people wake up and smell the damn coffee! In further detail, people wonder why kids act the way they do it because of T.V. and their Parents! So I believe in that sense we are ****ed if we don't teach our chidren what is appropiate at a certain age. There is just so uch crap out there that we have to teach our chidren right from wrong at a young age. I know for a fact kids will find this stuff out, but not at the age of 8. I hope that we learn something from this. I'd like to remind you all this is just MY OPINION. So if you don't like it I'm sorry.
Rant #2: The school system. You know how the school is divided up into different levels of c!asses. For my school district. Its AP (For 10 - 12), SCALE (For 11 -12), High Honors, Honors, Regents and then Regents Skills. There are a couple of things that bother me about that. One is the integration. Of special students. I am completely and whole haertly for it. But I think they should have to work themselves up. They are sually put in Regents, which makes no sense to me. The people whoo I have seen barely make it throught hose c!asses and I don't think its right. Like I know for a fact n estudent in my Living Environment (Biology) c!ass is sort of in that catagory, but he functions rather well. But posses the most irrating questions. I hate it. I think students like that should be put into Regents Skills and work their way up. If they can then great and if not. I'm sorry. I see the point, but you have to realize its going to hurt that student. They'll be picked on and well I've seen it happen and I USED to be someone who did it. Two very important people explained it to me. My dad and my 6th and 7th grade Orchestra teacher (Who has to be my favorite teacher of all time, who is now Dean in the Middle School). They taught me don't pity them or don't make fun of them. Stop those who do! It irrates me to se them in anormal c!ass because they may be getting the education they want, but they are getting mocked and made fun of constantly. So it pains me and the first thought in my brain is hut the *** up dumb@$$. Then those two very important voices kck in and help me, to calm myself and leave it alone. Ignore it. Because if you say or do something. it isn;t that you'd be made fun of, its just that what you say is completely ignored. So all I have to say is we need to find abetter way to help these children. Like my brother is in the special category. Since he is blind in his left eye. But that doesn't make him dumb, he just needs things to be enlarged to he can better see it. I think society has to find a better way to help these people. If any of my friends here reading this blog are people who make fun of people like that please untrack me because I find it disgusting! If anyone one is special. You are more then welcomed to talk to me. Just again, REMEMBER this is just MY OPINION!
Rant #3: Now onto a lighter rant. My infamous sandal rant. IU've told you all that I have a rant about sandlas well here it is. I HATE sandals. I think there is two reasons to wear sandals. One if you ar going to the beach. Two if its for a quick step out and you don't have socks on and your just to dang lazy to put a pair on. In school i hate it, for many reasons. People (Me) tend to step on them way to often. I then I have to slow my walking pace down ten fold so I don't step on them. For girls I see the point its a fashion statment, but as a guy your like f*ck its Summer/Spring. Crap sandals are back. Have to watch were I step. So yea its much funnier if I were to do it in person. MY friends love that rant.
I think that sums up all of my rants. Well I'll give you a very breif week recap. I finally played GTA IV :D. Yea me. I found out that I have a bunch of crap to study for. This Monday i have my Spanish speaking with my dumb@$$ of a teacher. I'll tell you what she did this week. We where writing converstaions for our speaking part of our Regents. To make things simple. I found a mistake within the first sentence of the dialogue and other people pointed it out to. So I corrected her. She used the part where she shouldn't have and somebody said some and she goes in a really HIGH PITCHED voice well Berman (I'm just saying my last name, sorry not giving my name out) said you can't do this. The she has to write slips for us to come down and take the speaking. First off she doesn't even know when our school starts. She gives one of my friends a pass 4 minutes before schoold starts. She goes I thought the warning bell was then, wrong its 7:29AM! Then she thinks one of my other friends can go "back to the future" We know she wrote the times in thw rong places, but its fun know to piss her off. Then she spelled my friends name worng. Muslim name, I'd undertsand if it was the begining of the school year, come on its the end of the year! Moving away from stupid Spanish teacher. I think thats it for now. Oh let me just say as a warning. if you ever give adog a bath make sure you are prepared for anything :P.
AceBermanX's Quote of the Blog:
"Why can't society be a forgiving place, where we all can be friends?"
-Berman (Me)
"I think that technologies are morally neutral until we apply them. It's only when we use them for good or for evil that they become good or evil."
-William Gibson
AceBermanX's Video/Song of the Blog:
Video - David Blaine Street Magic
Song - Viva la Vida by Coldplay
Thnaks for reading. Just letting you guys know. I'm back sort of. I'm only doing blogs of friends. I'm on only once aday twice at most. So I guess I'm OFFICIALY back on a previsional sense. Also again I'd like to know wither or not you read the whole blog. I know its a long one, so please be hoonest with me.