Imagine this... Apple going into the videogame industry. It would be amazing, look at it like this. Sony makes computers, cam-corder's, digital cameras, videogames, videogame systems and electronic etc. Microsoft makes computers and electronic etc. Microsoft is competing with Apple in the computer industry in a sense now because they have a combo operating system. Also Microsoft is competing against Apple in the music player industry with their Zune and Apple various iPod's and now Apple's newest idea the iPhone. There isn't much to say about Nintendo in my opinion because as far as I'm awere they are nothing compared to Microsoft, Sony and Apple and the one (1) major thing they did do was the Wii with it's motion sensibility. So with what Apple has done just imagine how many more systems and videogames there would be for theaverage gamer and the extreme gamer. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this, what do you think, and if Apple does go into the videogaming industry who called it? Oh that's right that would be me *laughs*.
-AceBermanX (A C X)