Today was my first day back too High School as a 10th grader. Well my cl@ss SUCK! There are either jocks or the dumbass kids in my cl@ss. It is so bad I BARELY have ANY FRIENDS in my cl@ss. The only cl@ss I really have a decent amount of friends in is Orchestra and thats it. Oh yeah and if your wondering I play the Double Bass in Orchestra that big fat thing. I also play the guitar for fun. So I'm just pissed off that the MAJIORTY of my cl@ss SUCK! My worst cl@ss has to be Living Enviorment or Biology. My teacher is a fricken scary anda mean ass b*tch so far (REMEMBER this is the first day!). Also I know absolutly no one in thatcl@ss. There are two kids who I know already and they are both dumbasses. One of them isn't so bad but the other one failed this teacher last year for another subject she taught and guess what this kid is a jock. Well I hope all of you guys had a better first day then I did. Thanks for reading
P.S. I couldn't write cl@ss so instead of the a I put an @ sign because Gamespot won't let me for some reason.