Its that time of the year agian. Fianls and Regents. Yea... NOT! For me I have a Math Final Wednesday and Thursday (its on Math B, type of of Math on Long Island). Then Tomorrow and Thursday, I have a Health Fianl. Let me tell you this, Health is the most pointless c!ass I have EVER taken in my life. We are required to take Health for on year in High School. Do they seriously think that any of us are going to retain anything. All I'm taking away from that c!ass is what I came in with. "Don't do drugs, don't drink and if you want to have sex do it with a condom." So yea. This Friday is the last day of c!asses then two (2) of Regents and Finals. 6/16/08 I have my English Final, 6/18/08 I have my Global Regents. The thing I'm actually fine with taking Regent's, but Fianls are much harder. Then on 6/24/08 I have my Living Environment (Biology) Regents and then I have my Sponish Regents. What a day. I'd like to let you all know that I'll be taking a break from GameSpot so I can study for my Regents and Finals. I'd like to leave you guys with two things. One a rant and second apoem I wrote.
Rant: Well there is a Jewish club in my school, called EPIC. I ran against my friend for Vice President. It was a very close race. He out beat, even he was suprised. Since he had only been there for a year and a half, while I'd been there for two (2) years. So the President, who which I just learned is someone who feels pity for the losers which is total bull. Now I'll explain why I'm pissed. There were two (2) people running for President, we all knew who was going to win before elections. So that was already determined even though we still had to vote. But here comes the bullsh*t. the girl who lost running for President became Vice President! Which she DIDN"T EVEN RUN FOR! So both me and my friend BOTH LOST the position we ran for and we are both like WTF! I have some BS position and he hassome BS VP position. The person who won President. Understand the stupidtity of this. Everyone who ran for something and lost got some sort of "pity" position. Which is total bull. So he the guy who won President is going to make the girl who was AWARDED Vice President switch with my friend who lost VP to her when she didn't even F*CKING run for it! The point of my rant is politics are bull. A perfect example is Obama v. Clinton. Obam is't going to give Clinton some "pity" position because she lost. YOu just don't do that. It makes no sense. So yea. Our elections were rigged. Bull. I have a pity position. Oh best of all. She tells the new noard that there are too many of us in it! WHAT! YOU gave us these DAMN POSITIONS! WTF!? Come on! Other people were also outraged or just like wow that is total bull. Ok thats the rant for the day.
Poem: Please don't mock me for this. It was late at night. I think its petty good. It has no name, no title, at least not yet.
Who are we?
What are we in this world?
We are simply humans
Humans in a doomed society
That is who we are
You may ask
Simply because no one cares enough anymoe
All we can do is oray to G-d
For his protection and guidance
Look into your heart for the answer
There you will find what you have been looking for
The answer for society
We are simply human
Are we not?
There you guys go. So basically just respond to everything please. I'll be back just ogt to study and etc. So sorry if I miss your blogs. I'll probably on tomorrow and then I'll be gone because of studying. So one more day, I guess.
AceBermanX's Quote of the Blog:
"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."
-George Carlin
AceBermanX's Video/Song of the Blog:
Video - David Blaine Street Magic 2
Song - Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi
So see yea guys around8).