The "Ex": From a blog I wrote WAY back in October of 2007. Today my friends and I from camp went to a place called AdventureLand a small amusement park. It's lame, but with friends lame things can always be fun. My "Ex" was not there, thankfully. I learned from one of her good friends, that she started to rip me after we broke up... um hold on here. I'm finding this out; oh I don't know EIGHT (8) DAMN MONTHS AFTER WE BROKE UP! Well it clearly didn't do much since I'm still the beloved guy I was before we dated. She told me this, since ALL of my "Ex's" friends HATE her now. It's really quite funny and sad at the same time. You ask why she is hated, well lets just say sl*ts/wh*res do not do well with people I know. I went out with her knowing this. My line is this "Are we all not allowed to have a mistake, so we can learn from them?" Well believe me I learned my lesson. My "Ex" is the biggest pain in the @$$ you will ever met! Also I think I like one (1) of the girls who was there, its odd. We were talking and it was nice. Then we were IMing each it was fun. I don't know what to do. It'll be weird if I ask her out, since she goes to my camp and I'll be working there. Ah it so confusing. So what do guys and girls think?
A Slight Recap: To give you a small lowdown of life. This past week I took my English Final and Global Regents. Which were both rather easy. Global worries me since the thematic essay was something my teacher said is ALMOST NEVER on the Regents. Well lucky lucky us it was. Damn religion. I know a lot about religion, but since it isn't a 9th and 10th grade topic it was surprising. Then this week I take my Living Environment (Biology) and Spanish Regents, yeah me... NOT! Damn Spanish Regents. Um, last night I went to one of my best buds sister Bat-Mitzvah, it was nice. Tomorrow is the party :D, who does not love to party :P. Today my friend invited me to a service he does, it was small, but nice. At the service there was girl who is JUST LIKE MY "EX" it is creepy. She makes my "Ex" look like a genius, which is remarkable and never thought, my friend or I would utter those words :shock:. Then I went to AdventureLand and well you know what occurred. Also as you guys might have or might not have noticed, I've been changing my banner and blog header quite often. Since a bunch of designers here on GameSpot made them for me. If yours isn't up its because either your not done or I just haven't gotten to yet. Also you'll see them all very soon.
Poem: Um yea sorta don't have one. I'll just make one up since I do have a topic on my mind.
Is it a feeling?
What is it?
If only we knew, then we could save each other
from the heartbreak we are to receive if we are unfortunate.
If we knew then things would be different.
Feelings and emotions would be perceived differently.
I wish I knew then my life would be easier.
What is it?
Rant: Do I have a rant today? I don't believe so :(. I think I wore you guys out already. Oh I think I do... NOT! Oh yes I do. Ok here we go :P. Don't you hate it when things stop to function at the most inconvenient times. For example. My laptop. The top buttons the "F" buttons just seemingly stopped to work. I listening to some music and I couldn't lower it and this being a brand new laptop. I'm freaking out. So I have to call Apple. Also when you have a power outage. Seriously why can't power companies have "better" alternative measures to stop the power from going off? There are more examples, but I think you get the picture :P.
AceBermanX's Quote of the Blog:
"Don't you hate it when you think of the right thing to say AFTER the event has occurred?"
-Berman (Me)
The hypothalamus is one of the most important parts of the brain, involved in many kinds of motivation, among other functions. The hypothalamus controls the "Four F's":
1. fighting;
2. fleeing;
3. feeding; and
4. mating.
-Psychology professor in neuropsychology intro course
AceBermanX's Video/Song of the Blog:
Video - Charlie the Unicorn
Song - I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry
Well thats it for this blog, see yea on your blogs 8).