Hell's yeah! I'm typing to you guys from BRAND NEW MacBook Pro! Well last night my aunt, my brother and I went to the Apple store in the city and picked up my laptop! This thing is fricken amazing. I'm so pleased that this is my Hanukkah gift (Jewish version of Christmas). Moving on, all my grades for school were ALL above a 90, except Spanish which was an 84, all the more reason for me to hate my Spanish teacher. This also means I made Honor Roll, which you have too have a TOTAL average of a 89.5 or more, my TOTAL average being a 96.66666665 or something like that. Also for Hanukkah I'm most likely going to get Assassians Creed for the PlayStation3, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for the XBOX 360 and hopefully another decent PS3 game. Well that's for now thanks for reading, and sorry for not having a quote today, I'm still figuring this laptop out, coming from being a PC user, to a Mac, well you get the picture, right.
Peace Out!