This week was my fianl week of school, thankfully :P. For the last week it was quite busy. I took my Health Fianl in Tuesday. Igot a 90 on it and my average for the year in that c!ass is a 95 :D. I also took my Math Fianl. I think I did ok on it. I messed up on one of the Part Two questions and I got one of the Part One questions wrong. So I did ok. Tomorrow I have my English Fianl. I don't think it'll be bad. The Critical Lens Esaay (Task Four Essay) won't be so bad if the quote ius easy. Then the multiple choice I hope won't be absurd like the Mid-Terms :?. Then Wednesday is my Global Regents. I'm not worried. On a practivce multiple choice I got 44/50. That was with me being pissed off from the period before and people being irrating. So I'll do awesome. The Thematic Essay and DBQ and its DBQ Essay won't be bad. I'll be getting 4/5 on both essays because as my teacher told me. Its VERY RARE to get a 5/5 on the essays. Then next Tuesday I have my Living Environment (Biology) and Spanish Regents. Bio I should do just fine in. I got an 86 on a pratice one and that was with multiple distractions in c!ass and a couple of careless errors. So I'll do just fine again :D. Then Spanish. Oh Spanish, thats the on;y Regents that worries me :?. The Reading part is usually the toughest because of all the grammer you learn its never on it. The Listening well, I just hope my teacher speaks slowly :|. Then the Writing part. All the writing we did in c!ass was useless since my teacher is an idiot. We wer doing a ractice writing and she stopped after a sentence and said we were done WTF! Then the rest of the period we did nothing. Also listen to this. My Spanish teacher LOST my friends test and she can't find it. So se is going to give him a zero (0) because she can't find it. So I made hima phot-copy of mine. He apparently had to do the back which she SPECIFICALLY told us NOT TO DO. He has do it. She is an idiot. Now for todays rant. As you can tell my rants are going to be a part of my blog from now on :P.
Rant: Why can't we admit when we are wrong? Thats what I want to know. In todays world, it is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone toadmit when they are wrong. Its a not posiible anymore. Humans are supposed to make mistakes and learn from then, now we just ignore them and pretend like nothing happened. Seriously we are human aren't we. Like you've seen me ranting about my Spanish teacher she is aperfect example. I don't think she has admitted to any of her mistakes at all. Believe me I don't like to admit to mine, but I do and I learn from them. Its just so irrating to see peope make a mistake and it gets pointed out and that person doesn't own up to it. Well thats this rant I know its rather short. Hope you liked it :P.
What is it?
The harmony of notes?
Does it bring us together?
As a whole it does.
Just a bunch of notes being played as one
Relaxing, it makes you.
So just take it in
And live life to the fullest.
There you guys go another poem by me. Hope you liked it. Please comment :P.
Well thats really it. Oh for those of you guys who got my requests, thank you and you'll see them soon. All of you know who you are :P.
AceBermanX's Quote of the Blog
"Without mistakes who are we? Creatures that are bound to repeat the past?"
-Berman (Me)
"Only the good die young. That is why immortality is reserved for the greatest of evils."
AceBermanX's Video/Song of the Blog:
Video: David Blaine Street Magic Part 3
Song: September by Earth Wind and Fire
Well ther you guys go. See you on your blogs 8)
EDIT: I have a quick question. Has anyones blog header disappeared. Mine has, the link is no longer in my prefs and everytime I try to put it back GameSpot won't allow it:|. Any ideas?