Are Some Call of Duty 4 Perks Useless?
by AceDonald on Comments
I am a major player in Call of Duty 4's online multiplayer, and it is some of the best ive ever seen! The problem ive been noticing lately though, is the fact that some perks you will either only use once than never again or never at all. Like "Last Stand". You get points if you kill people with it, but would you keep it after all the points possible are gained? Everyone seens to always make sure that their victims are dead, so when in last stand they'll just kill you before you have a chance to fight back. This happens to me a lot and i have only sucsessfully killed a few people with it. Also, the "Eavesdrop" perk i never use because most of the time nobody talks on the other end. And even if they do, its hard to tell if their you're allies talking or if they are the enemy (in modes like Team Deathmatch, Sabotage, Search and Destroy, etc.). Reply if you have anything to say on the situation. I'll also except hi's too.