I have just recently played a few demos on my PS3 and PSP. Two of these titles have already released, so my view on the demo probably wont change your ideology of the title, but it's still nice to express what I feel about them. The other demo, though, has yet to be released. So in that case, my view may have a good impact on what you may think of the title.
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3
To be truthfully honest, I don't really know where to stand on this title. I though the graphics were impressive, I thought the tactical based combat was good and I thought shootouts were fun. Missions feel like your standard shooter style objectives, go here, blow that up, shoot them, shoot some more, sabotage that, kill them, etc, etc. But my main problem is how the game controls. I hated how there is no real camera to help with the aiming. You can move the along left or right to move the camera left and right, but theres no up or down unless in aim mode.....in which you can't move your position. I am still curious as to the how the entire game would feel....maybe Ill buy it cheap or rent it. Still, the game's controls felt very weird.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Now this demo was the definite best of the three I tried out. Almost everything about this game was flawless. The comic style cut scenes added a lot more affect to them than I thought they would. Combat was fun, shooting was fun, it was funny, and everything mixed well together. This is a must buy for me.....Ill probably be getting the collector's edition because I want that artbook included in it. But anyways, yes if you have a PSP, get this game.....just the demo showed how amazing it was.
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Now this is where things get interesting. Since this game has not yet released, my views can somewhat affect others' views on the title. And that's good to know. So what do I think of this game? .........I will probably never play it ever again. That's right, I didn't like it at all. Everything about the demo felt so off or weird. Combat was so untight, it made for a lot of cheap deaths. The cover system is so screwed up that I couldn't smoothly go from one place to another without dying. The graphics were pretty poor on my TV, you could see various background color problems. Voice acting was probably the best part of the game. The characters were believable and make for two interesting people to work side by side. By other than that, I didn't find anything really enjoyable about the title. It may be demo problems, I hope so.....Because if that's not the case.....the sequel could be even worse than the first Kane and Lynch.