I didnt say it had to be 'horror' perse. I just said something of a darker tone. I wouldnt classify Diablo or Zombie Panic as horror, yet I still listed them as examples.
Bioshock, I finished. Mass Effect also finished(amazing game, wasnt creepy though). Max payne finished years ago, heh. All the elder scroll games finished(again...I didnt think they were creepy personally). Fear and Condemed are both great games, but I also finished those. System Shock 2...isnt that really old and about a broken down space ship?
I'm in the mood for something...dark, bloody, demonic, gorey, creepy, etc. I've already played vampire bloodlines, hellgate london, diablo 1 and 2, zombie panic source and doom 3 . Does anyone have any recommendations of good games along those lines?
GTA liberty city stories, Castlevania, Final Fantasy tatics, and Guilty gear. Those are just a few that come to mind and that'll provide alot of variety in your games.
I'm not sure what you mean about 'PS1 games from PS3'? I know you can go to the PSN(playstation network) on your PC, and pay to download some PS1 games? If that's what your talking about I'd reccomend getting a 4GB stick, because by the time you put music, movies, pictures, and PS1 games on the stick it'll be almost full.
Opps I forgot you asked about memory cards. You NEED to get a 'Pro Duo' memory stick or else it wont work in the psp. I suggest getting atleast a 2gb, personally I have a 4gb. The 'pro duo' stick can be made be different company's it doesnt have to be made by sony. Mine is by lexar or something. Hope this helped!
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