Hm, so with the Wii's newest channels. I have a feeling that Microsoft and Sony are starting to squirm in their seats about its up and coming launch. After getting over my initial skepticism over the channels, I discovered that this may just be the most novel thing in the world. Perhaps in Japan they already have content such as this but here in America they don't. This may be the reason behind the later release in Japan. On top of this, the channels are very well made from what I can see. I've also looked up the Opera browser that Nintendo has began to implement in their systems(DS and Wii) and it is probably the most versatile thing ever. Once my friend told me that no matter what Nintendo decides to do, they usually do it well. For instance the voice chat on the DS is far superior to the more graphically powerful Xbox 360. Which in a way shows how much time Nintendo puts into their software and how other companies(Microsoft) take things such as voice chat for granted. On another note, I'm sure that the DVD player within the Wii will not only be quick but also the interface for playing movies will be the best one out there. On top of that, I doubt there will be any sound emitting from my Wii when I play it and if there is, it'll be minimal. Also, I hope to god there are no load times as due to Nintendo's history. Because I swear if I have to sit through load times on the new Zelda..I will throw my controller out the window. After playing Oblivion on the 360, load times have me really pissed off. Anyways, with the Wii sporting its free online service, channels, controller, and also a web browser for a set price which I bet will be cheap as hell, I think on the cosmetic side at least, Nintendo will be on top of the competition. Now with only a month or so left, and Sony having stolen one of Nintendo's ideas already, what will they have to compete against the big N's awesome power? Well Sony? The clock's ticking.
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