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AceofSuns Blog

Marathon To Be Ready Soon

Hello, Gamespot. I apologize for the delays in the Final Fantasy XII Marathon. I should have a piece of it ready within a week. I'll be back when it's done.

First Marathon to be Final Fantasy XII

Hello again. For my Marathon business, I have decided to first do Final Fantasy XII. In my opinion, it is the best PS2 game to date, and that may have influenced my decision. See you all when it's ready.

Final Fantasy XII: Awesome Game

Hello, Gamespot. It's me, AceofSuns. Everyone out there, get Final Fantasy XII, I don't care who you are. It is awesome, the world of the game just sucks in whoever plays it. I've been playing for over 100 hours now and I still can't shake the game off. Another good game for PlayStation 2, even though this is off-topic is Star Wars Battlefront II, but it's only really fun on Multi-player. See you all later.


Greetings, users. I am AceofSuns. I have just joined. I am looking forward to a good time here on