pangobahn, for a guy who promotes buying "Every video game console" you got a lot of nerve commenting on other people's ability to get laid. I doubt you would know what to do witha girl, even if you manage to loacte her in the piles of consoles and instant noodles containers that no doubt cover you mom's basement. That said, I agree that console fanboys are lame, but acting like the solution is to simply buy every stuypid console that rolls out is the words of a retard Anyone can afford to buy consoles but people chose one, maybe two, because they have better things to do in life than play games all the time (like have a GF). The real solution is to accept that all consoles are different and not to give a crap if some dork bad mouths the one you happened to buy. These updates seem pretty cool, the keyboard add on is smart, though ultimately useless if all it can do it allow text messaging.
Acervartan's comments