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ThE ReCord of AcHilles Entry 29

Im glad im able to be off work today.. Walmart is fun to be at but I also like to do some of the things I like to do on my own time, such as playing virtua fighter.  Man I love this game, the graphics, new moves, characters and the feeling that im being challenged a little more by the computer.  Besides what i mentioned, nothing else has pretty much changed, which is good for me because I was an extensive virtua fighter 4 player, so I am able to jump right into this game quickly.  I also recently bought resistance fall of man.  It reminds me of the old days when I played the first halo with all my friends, which is the kind of feeling I hope to catch when I go online with that game.  As far as the campaign goes, Im enjoying killing off the chimera foes I face and helping this guy with whatever hes trying to do.  Oh and I got a new emblem finally after a long wait... just one more and Ill be able to start my third row.  Correct me if im wrong, but I dont think there are many people who are able to start on their third row of emblems.  And im up to 94% on this level 20.  It looks like I may actually be right about me being out of this level by my birthday, which is on April 05.  Now a question for anyone who reads this,  Im considering buying that Genji samurai game for ps3.  Is it a good game or should i rent it first?