An age old dispute, which is the better system? There are many things one needs to know about a console before judging it. Today I will be looking into exclusives on both systems. First the 360. To me, what defines the 360 is the Gears of War franchise. Gears of War is a third-person shooter as many of you probably know. The first one delivered a strong single player with a nice last second multiplayer added. The game's use of the cover system is undescribable. It sets a standard for shooters, third and first-person. Next is Halo. Halo is one of the most popular franchises in the world. When the original was released, it took people by storm, even if it did not include multiplayer. The second made an ok single player experience, but excelled as one of the top played multiplayer games out there. The third did the same as the second, but not as satisfyingly. They then released ODST. It was fun to experience Halo through an ODST's viewpoint, but it felt like the franchise was just juicing everything left out of the first three. The final franchise we will talk about today from the 360 side is Left 4 Dead. It was majorly hyped, and delivered. It brought a new way of playing a game competitively. You could play as either survivors, or one of four special zombies. The second one was even better, adding new weapons and items to advance past the first one.
I hope you enjoyed the first part of this blog and check back tommorow for part 2.