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Nintendo vs Nyko

I got this form

"Nintendo has brought suit against peripheral maker Nyko for its wireless nunchuk controller for Wii reports Bloomberg. The complaint, which was filed earlier this week in Seattle, claims Nyko's product violates trademarks and patents held by Nintendo.

In filing the suit, Nintendo is accusing Nyko of a controller that "wholly appropriates the novel shape, design, overall appearance and even the color and materials used in the Nintendo Nunchuk controller." Nintendo claims two design patents have been infringed upon and wants an immediate injunction against sales of Nyko's controller."

This is just plain rediculous!! After i read this i just thought about all the controllers i bought that were third party. I had 2 PS1 controlers by a third party both of wich worked well, and one XBOX controller by logitec that was and still is excelent! Today i went to Gamestop and purchaced the Nyko Wireless Nunchuk, and honestly, it works amazingly well. I had one hickup, it lost its connection mid game b/c i touched the connect button, that was human error and not the device's fault. Once i reconnected everything went smoothly again. I realy can't stand when a company thats raking in so much money like nintendo is, is complaining about a small thing like a third party controller, thats actually BETTER than the original!!!! Come on Nintendo, whats next, suing the battery companies for making batteries that last too long??

Now I'm thinking with Portals

I just had to put this out there. I don't own an XBox360, but i went out and bought (with the help of HRDKyoSaNim [50/50]) a copy of The orange Box. I have to say, Portal was enough to make me want it. I needed to play it. The game is so innovative and fresh, i just couldn't put it down once i started. The only reason why i'm not done with the game today (the day i bought it) is b/c my fianc and I had plans at 7:00pm. I love that game, and iheard that the developers are planning a sequal and some map packs for this one. I also played some team fortress, and i am also very impressed, but it takes some getting used to for the style of game it is. Its a multiplayer shooter with strategy, so its not just run and gun. But just to reitterate, Portal is a game that everyone should at least try. Te gameplay is wierd at first b/c you only controle one portal (blue), but then once you have two its sooooo, great. Obstacles are so fun to figure out b/c of the way the portals carry over your momentum from portal to portal. I can't forget to mention the plot, yes plot, its got a story and its pretty good for a short game. I won't spoil it, but lets just say, "There is no Cake". I better get to bed now, b/c i want to get my work done early to go to HRDKyoSaNim's house and finish portal!

Brawl goes SuperSonic

Its been quite a long time since i've posted anyhting new here, but i think that what I'm about to say is worth coming back out of retirement. Sonic the Hedgehog has been confirmed for Super Smash Bros Brawl! This brings to mind the many times friends of mine who owned the NES and/or SNES telling me (owning the Sega Genesis), that Sega wasn't as good as Nintendo. Of course i would defend Sega against their harsh words, almost taking offence to what they were saying as if it were aimed toward me. Anyone who owned a Sega Genesis in the 90's knows what i'm talking about. Another argument that would insue was the "mascot fight". Who would win? The many followers of Nintendo always said that Mario would win b/c of "____________"(you can fill in the blank with what ever you want, i've heard them all). Me and the other Sega owners would counter with, Sonic would win b/c of "___________"(again fill in the blank with whatever you wish, i've said them all). We all know who ended up winning probably the most hard fought console war of our generation, Nintendo. But now we can all find out about the other argument, who would win in a fight. My money is still on Sonic, but thats my opinion.

If anyone wants to tell me their reasons to why Mario would win, email me at: