Acid1013 / Member

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Now I'm thinking with Portals

I just had to put this out there. I don't own an XBox360, but i went out and bought (with the help of HRDKyoSaNim [50/50]) a copy of The orange Box. I have to say, Portal was enough to make me want it. I needed to play it. The game is so innovative and fresh, i just couldn't put it down once i started. The only reason why i'm not done with the game today (the day i bought it) is b/c my fianc and I had plans at 7:00pm. I love that game, and iheard that the developers are planning a sequal and some map packs for this one. I also played some team fortress, and i am also very impressed, but it takes some getting used to for the style of game it is. Its a multiplayer shooter with strategy, so its not just run and gun. But just to reitterate, Portal is a game that everyone should at least try. Te gameplay is wierd at first b/c you only controle one portal (blue), but then once you have two its sooooo, great. Obstacles are so fun to figure out b/c of the way the portals carry over your momentum from portal to portal. I can't forget to mention the plot, yes plot, its got a story and its pretty good for a short game. I won't spoil it, but lets just say, "There is no Cake". I better get to bed now, b/c i want to get my work done early to go to HRDKyoSaNim's house and finish portal!