Ackibat / Member

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The Xbox 360 will rock!

Take Xbox Classic's Halo 2...
...put it into HDTV 720p widescreen resolution...
...allow for 32 player battles...
...allow for much larger, more complex maps...
...give better reflections and more transparency...
...give each character more polygons...
...allow for more complex physics.

Take Xbox Classic's Ghost Recon 2...
...put it into HDTV 720p widescreen resolution...
...expand the map sizes by four...
...increase graphical detail by four...
...give it a full physics engine.

Take Xbox Classic's Doom 3...
...put it into HDTV 720p widescreen resolution...
...give it even more detail than the PC version...
...give it full screen anti-aliasing...
...allow for 8-person coop through huge levels...
...provide a better online interface...
...allow for more complex physics modeling.

The Xbox 360 rock because...
...they are turning the tables on Sony by releasing it earlier...
...they have much better games and developers than they did for Xbox Classic...
...they have secured support from many major Japanese developers...
...they will probably launch Halo 3 when Sony launches the PS3...
...they have Xbox LIVE which they keep improving (video chat)...
...they will have LIVE-enabled player profiles and statistics...
...they are supporting micro-transactions and a new gaming-economy...
...they have a great plan for integrated user interfaces...
...they are requiring all games to be High Definition.